Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery: City Wide Campaign Fall-2007

fdny1.jpgOne of the key messages of fire safety education is that smoke alarms are designed to provide early warning of a fire, allowing sufficient time to reach safety.

In order to get this critical message to the public that a working smoke alarm will increase your chances of surviving a fire by fifty percent , the Fire Safety Education Unit of the Fire Department New York conducts a “Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery” education outreach each Spring and Fall, taking advantage of the well-publicized Daylight Saving Time. 

This Fall, teams of Fire Safety Educators will be strategically assigned throughout the five boroughs, the week prior to the end of Daylight Saving Time, Saturday November 4, 2007, distributing fresh replacement 9 volt batteries for smoke alarms.

The batteries, which have been donated from the FDNY Foundation and Energizer will be distributed in high-risk fire neighborhoods, based on past and most recent fire injuries and fatalities incidents.

Below please find the dates, times and locations the FDNY will be distributing fresh batteries, including safety literature on smoke and carbon monoxide alarm maintenance.

Staten Island:

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Hours:  3pm – 5pm 

Staten Island Ferry-St. George
CB # 1

Staten Island Mall- 2655 Richmond Avenue – Center Stage Court 
CB # 2
Pathmark Shopping Center-1351 Forest Avenue

CB # 1


Thursday, November 1, 2007
Hours: See each location for hours of distribution

Coney Island Terminal – Corner of Stillwell and Surf Avenue
Hours:  4pm-6pm
CB # 13

Broadway (East New York) Junction Complex – Jamaica Avenue/Fulton Street
Hours:  4pm – 6pm
CB # 5

Corner of 45th Street and 13th Avenue – Boro Park
Hours: 12noon – 2pm
CB # 12

Corner of 86th Street and 5th Avenue
Hours: 12noon-2pm
CB # 10

Corner of Bay Ridge Parkway and 5th Avenue
Hours: 12noon-2pm
CB # 10

Corner of Manhattan Avenue and Calyer Street 
Hours: 12noon-2pm
CB # 1


Friday, November 2, 2007
Hours:  See each location for hours of distribution 

168th Street and Broadway Train Station
Hours: 4pm – 6pm
CB # 12

Corner of 350 W125th Street
Hours: 12noon – 2pm
CB # 10

Union Square Park -14th Street and Broadway
Hours: 3pm – 5pm 
CB # 6

(YW News Desk / YW-112 / NYC OEM)

One Response

  1. “I’ll be out of town, can you get me a dozen or two of free 9V batteries.”

    To avoid chilul Hashem please don’t abuse the system.

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