Haolam & Millers Issue Recall On Shredded Cheese

The following is a press release from Haolam Cheese. (Press release from Miller Cheese is posted below):

Dear Customer:

For the first time in our 75-year history, a voluntary recall by the State of Wisconsin involves a packaging facility that handles only the shredding and packaging (not the actual cheese production) of some limited shredded Haolam products. Although the test results for all of the Haolam’s shredded cheese distributed in the market place tested negative for Listeria monocytogenes, the State of Wisconsin has requested a voluntary recall of all the products that were shredded in that plant from the time the listeria was found in another brand of cheese also packed in this plant. Here are the facts:

ü The voluntary recall of the Haolam products were only for the shredded cheese and does NOT involve any of the other quality cheese products under the Haolam brand including any of the types of cheese that were shredded that also come in other shapes, sizes or forms (not shredded).

ü The plant that was the subject of the voluntary recall is only a packaging facility, and the cheese involved was a different brand of cheese that was brought into the plant with the listeria. As noted, all of the Haolam shredded cheese tested, was found to be negative for the Listeria monocytogenes.

ü Haolam products are produced in state-of-the-art USDA approved and monitored facilities and are not produced in the packaging plant affected.

ü There was no actual health danger to people who consumed the products listed below, (again, it should be noted, that all of our products tested, were found to be negative for Listeria monocytogenes). It should also be noted that there were no reported injuries even from the other cheese companies’ products that were affected.

ü Despite the fact that the products that we are being instructed to voluntary recall, after having been tested, were found to be negative for the Listeria monocytogenes, Haolam is complying with the State of Wisconsin’s voluntary recall and removing all of the products from store shelves.

ü The voluntary recall is obviously not at all a kashrus issue whatsoever. Needless to say, Haolam has a long standing reputation of adhering to the highest level of kashrus, under the supervision of KAJ and Rabbi Binyomin Gruber.

ü In addition to its high level of kashrus, Haolam prides itself in its meticulous and effective quality control program which is why there has never been a recall of any Haolam products throughout the company’s 75 year history.

ü World Cheese is exercising extreme caution by recalling all products that were shredded in the affected plant, measures that are well beyond the basic requirements of the State of Wisconsin.

Please Note:

The products affected by the voluntary recall are limited to the following Haolam shredded products:

– All 8 oz and 16 oz. bags of Haolam shredded cheese (Pizza, Mozzarella, Cheddar, Fancy, Muenster, R/F Muenster, R/F Cheddar), with an expiration of June 5,2012 through Sept 4, 2012

– All 32 oz bags of Haolam shredded Mozzarella and Gourmet Blend with an expiration date of February 6, 2012 through May 7, 2012

– All 5 lb bags of Haolam shredded Mozzarella, Cheddar and Muenster with a pack date of September 8, 2011 through Dec 7, 2011

Please note: everything is expiration date except the 5 lb. Shredded bags are pack date

We apologize for any inconvenience this voluntary recall may cause.

As the oldest producer of kosher cheese products, our family continues its 75-year old commitment to provide the highest quality cheese products / kosher standards. We wish to take this opportunity to express our deepest appreciation for your support and loyalty.

GOOD NEWS: By next week stores will be stocked with freshly packed shredded products that meet the highest standards of kashrus and quality that you’ve been accustomed to receiving from Haolam Cheese in the past.

We greatly appreciate your understanding and loyalty to our products.

With best wishes.

World Cheese Company



December 29, 2011

Dear Customer:

For the first time in our 110-year history, a voluntary recall by the State of Wisconsin involves a packaging facility that handles only the shredding and packaging (not the actual cheese production) of some limited shredded Miller’s products. Although the test results for all of the Miller’s shredded cheese distributed in the market place tested negative for Listeria monocytogenes, the State of Wisconsin has requested a voluntary recall of all the products that were shredded in that plant from the time the listeria was found in another brand of cheese also packed in this plant. Here are the facts:

ü The voluntary recall of the Miller’s products were only for the shredded cheese and does NOT involve any of the other quality cheese products under the Miller’s brand including any of the types of cheese that were shredded that also come in other shapes, sizes or forms (not shredded).

ü The plant that was the subject of the voluntary recall is only a packaging facility, and the cheese involved was a different brand of cheese that was brought into the plant with the listeria. As noted, all of the Miller’s shredded cheese tested, was found to be negative for the Listeria monocytogenes.

ü Miller’s products are produced in state-of-the-art USDA approved and monitored facilities and are not produced in the packaging plant affected.

ü There was no actual health danger to people who consumed the products listed below, (again, it should be noted, that all of our products tested, were found to be negative for Listeria monocytogenes). It should also be noted that there were no reported injuries even from the other cheese companies’ products that were affected.

ü Despite the fact that the products that we are being instructed to voluntary recall, after having been tested, were found to be negative for the Listeria monocytogenes, Miller’s is complying with the State of Wisconsin’s voluntary recall and removing all of the products from store shelves.

ü The voluntary recall is obviously not at all a kashrus issue whatsoever. Needless to say, Miller’s has a long standing reputation of adhering to the highest level of kashrus, under the supervision of the Orthodox Union (OU).

ü In addition to its high level of kashrus, Miller’s prides itself in its meticulous and effective quality control program which is why there has never been a recall of any Miller’s products throughout the company’s 110 year history.

ü Miller’s Cheese is exercising extreme caution by recalling all products that were shredded in the affected plant, measures that are well beyond the basic requirements of the State of Wisconsin.

Please Note:

The products affected by the voluntary recall are limited to the following Miller’s shredded products:

– All 8 oz and 16 oz. bags of Miller’s shredded cheese (Pizza, Mozzarella, Cheddar, Fancy, Muenster), with an expiration of June 5,2012 through Sept 4, 2012

– All 32 oz bags of Miller’s shredded Mozzarella with an expiration date of February 6, 2012 through May 7, 2012

– All 5 lb bags of Miller’s shredded Mozzarella, Cheddar, Muenster and Monterey Jack with a pack date of September 8, 2011 through Dec 7, 2011

Please note: everything is expiration date except the 5 lb. Shredded bags are pack date

We apologize for any inconvenience this voluntary recall may cause.

As the oldest producer of kosher cheese products, our family continues its 110-year old commitment to provide the highest quality cheese products / kosher standards. We wish to take this opportunity to express our deepest appreciation for your support and loyalty.

GOOD NEWS: By next week stores will be stocked with freshly packed shredded products that meet the highest standards of kashrus and quality that you’ve been accustomed to receiving from Miller’s Cheese in the past.

We greatly appreciate your understanding and loyalty to our products.

With best wishes.

Miller’s Cheese Corp.

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