35 Minutes In The Life Of A Gadol Hador

kan1.jpgClick HERE to watch a 35 minute video of Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, Rebbitzen Kanievsky, their home, Mincha, the Steiplers chair and some other amazing things.

7 Responses

  1. Sorry to be so cynical, but it’s far from 35 minutes in the life of a godol hador… it’s more like 5 minutes in the life of a godol hador. the rest is waste-of-time mishkababel…

  2. I envy that gabbai’s job. What struck me during the clip was Rav Chaim’s anivus by davening in middle of the Beis Medrash as opposed to up front.

  3. Thank you very much for sharing this amazing film with us. Is there any way this can be made available for downloading so we can show it to our children without being connected to the internet?

  4. Does anyone know why the Rav and Rebbitzen allowed the filming of this video? They were definitely aware of it and must have felt there would be good result(s). There must be a good reason.

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