New Tefilas Haderech Hotline!

tifilas haderech logo.jpgHave you ever been traveling and wanted to say Tefilas Haderech (the Traveler’s Prayer in English) but did not have a copy of the text available? Now there is a new hotline that you can put in your speed dial. Call it on your speaker phone and you can repeat the Tefilas Haderech prayer, word for word, and assure yourself a safe trip. Simply Dial 212-DRIVING which is the same as dialing 212-374-8464. The number is considered a local phone call throughout the New York metropolitan area. Additional area codes for other Jewish locations, will soon be set up as well.

The concept was an idea of Srulie Toiv of Brooklyn NY.

15 Responses

  1. Call it on your speaker phone and you can repeat the Tefilas Haderech prayer, word for word, and assure yourself a safe trip.

    Since when does saying tefillas haderech assure a safe trip. Many people have recited tefilas haderech and yet did not safely reach their destination. Tefillas haderich is just that, a tefillah, a bakasha. We pray that it should be Hashem’s ratzon that we reach our destination safely but there are no assurances.

  2. #2 If you have a headset or blue tooth in the car its not so bad,but to hold the phone ,is and if a cop sees its a ticket. Beside i think this is a great tool to use because i travel a lot and i still don’t know Tefilos Haderech yet.

  3. It’s amazing that no matter what, there will always be people that find something to criticize. I think this is so amazing and a huge zechus for whoever is doing it. For all the people that talk about it being dangerous while they drive, can you say that you never, ever picked up a phone while you were driving? If yes, good for you. If not, then quit complaining. Most people in this day and age have equipment for driving while talking on the cell phone.

  4. Sheesh. Next thing you know, they’ll have a hot line for asher yatzar that you call as you leave the restroom.

    C’mon people, either stop and read it from print, memorize the tefillah, or – if you’re not driving alone – have an adult passenger read it from print and answer amen.

  5. Shazam is right, guys.
    It is a TEFILAH, not your credit card balance.
    Say Tefilas HaDerech like a mentsch, and don’t cheapen it.

  6. Curious as to when does one have time to call a) if they are driving and b) to recite word for word if they have to concentrate on the road. Is this not dangerous when you think about it. I know that when I traveled alone i asked a shilah and was told that you can recite tefilas haderach before you start your trip and not have to wait to be out of city limits.

  7. It is there if you need it.When you will,you will appreciate it.Just because it is available doesnt mean you should no longer read it from a text.Perhaps after saying it many times you will memorize it.You should probably pull over when saying it anyways.

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