Boy With Matches Started California Wildfire

lm.jpgOfficials blamed the that consumed more than 38,000 acres and destroyed 21 homes last week on a boy playing with matches, and said they would ask a prosecutor to consider the case. The boy, whose name and age were not released, admitted to sparking the fire on Oct. 21, the Associated Press reported.

3 Responses

  1. all it takes is a small fire, and machlokes can destroy more than one can fathom. also a reminder not to let kids play with matches, just like any other toy. if you see your or someone else’s kid playing with matches, TAKE THEM AWAY. your “achzorius” will save lives.

  2. I think it was more like a few thousand homes. I think there is a mistake in your news item YWEditor.

    Editors Note: There was more than one fire.

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