Toll Hike In The Works For NY/NJ Crossings?

gw.jpgThe Port Authority plans to seek a toll hike of at least $2 on its Hudson River crossings and an increase in PATH rail fares after next week’s state legislative elections, The Star-Ledger has learned. Current peak-hour tolls of $6 per vehicle at the George Washington Bridge and Lincoln and Holland tunnels are expected to jump to at least $8 early next year – the first hikes since 2000, according to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the subject.

6 Responses

  1. Just wondering if we’ll still be able to use our NJ resident $1 carpool discount if they raise the regular price.

    With the amount of traffic they have on these bridges, they should be paying us!

  2. They should actually charge $ 100 to get into the city. People would still drive through like a bunch of idiots..I have boycotted the bridges and tunnels. I either take mass transit or I go with my car pool and it only cost a buck.When will stupid New Yorkers wake up and stop feeding the pockets of the corrupt Port authority. Trust me, if everyone ganged up and refused to drive over the bridges , they will quickly lower it. But it aint gonna happen because we are a bunch of cowards who have no guts and will power to enact on something like that.

  3. The money that they collect goes to pay for all the workers of the Thruway Authority. Just stop the tolls, fire the workers and administrators and it will be Shalom Al Yisrael.

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