Rav Avrohom Leitner ZATZAL

candle16.gifChesed Shel Emmes has informed Yeshivaworld of the Petira of Rav Avrohom Leitner ZATZAL – the Menoterverder Rov (Williamsburg). The Levaya will take place at 10:00AM in his Bais Medrash (Zichron Dovid) at 143 Rutleg near Lee Avenue. Boruch Dayan Emmes….


4 Responses

  1. BS’D
    Boruch Dayan Emes.

    It is with many tears that I write this. Those of us who knew him, have realized that he has been one of the yesodim on whom the world stand.

    He was a true Godol Hador. I brilliant Rosh Yeshiva and Talmid Chuchom, and a Tzadik whose Yiras Shomayim was unmatched.

    I cry that I am in S Carolina this week and unable to make it to his Levaya. I will try, but I fear it will be impossible.

    Two and a half years ago, I asked him to be my mesader kidushin, and when he was maskim, I cried with happiness.

    May he be a maylitz yosher on all of klall yisroel.

    Signed with tears


  2. why do we hear about these great people only after they are niftar? May he a meilitz yosher for all of klal yisroel and quicken the geulah sheleimah.

  3. He was someone who could have had many thousands of chassidim. But, he was such a modest man, that he prefered o be called simply Avraham Leitner.Th, ough many called him the Montevideo Rov, he preferred Avruhom Leitner.

    There are stories of his tzidkus dating back to his childhood. Maybe one day, when I am not crying so much, I will elaborate. For now I will leave it, that I wish I had 1/10 of 1% of his emunah and bitachon.

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