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In Response To Superbug Dov Hikind Tells Schools: Bandage Or Banned!

mrsa1.jpgResponding to the alarming rise in antibiotic-resistant staph infections, Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) proposes a policy change for all New York’s schools. Hikind says, “We must take more stringent precautions with New York’s student population for the safety of all schoolchildren. Parents must be vigilant with what used to be normal childhood and adolescent scrapes and cuts. Any cut or break in the skin must be appropriately treated and covered. It must be thoroughly cleansed with an antiseptic or soap and then covered with a bandage. The new staph superbug has become a public health crisis, and we must protect all our children from this virulent communicable infection. Citywide we must implement a new policy that bars schoolchildren with open cuts which are uncovered, from attending school.

“We can’t take this superbug lightly,” Hikind said, introducing the second phase of his assault on this deadly bacteria. Last week, Assemblyman Hikind and State Senator Carl Kruger (D-Brooklyn) announced “Clean Hands – Save Lives” legislation requiring all schools, private, parochial and public, to post signage in bathrooms, gyms, locker rooms, etc. directing students how to prevent the spread of this contagion. “This community-associated staph poses a threat to healthy individuals, and we must take adequate and appropriate action now to protect the health of all New Yorkers.”

As per CDC guidelines the signs would instruct students: Keep your hands clean by washing thoroughly with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer; Keep cuts and scrapes clean and covered with a bandage until healed; Avoid contact with other people’s wounds or bandages; Avoid sharing personal items such as towels or razors.

“We have to step up our staph safety precautions. Tell your children over and over again: Wash, Cleanse, Cover. Open cuts or scrapes make your child vulnerable to infection and the possibility of infecting others. Schoolchildren with scrapes or cuts which are not bandaged should not be allowed in school.” 

3 Responses

  1. No, in response to the superbug Dov Hikind should himself inspect all the mosdos to ensure that all of the sinks that are available to the students have running hot water in them!

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