Queens: Jewish Dentist R”L Shot & Killed On Sunday Morning

dm.jpgThe NYPD are investigating the murder of a Queens dentist this morning in a playground at 64th Road and Yellowstone Blvd. Investigators say 34-year-old Daniel Malakov A”H (Bucharian Jew) was shot twice in the chest shortly before 11:00AM Sunday. He was transported by EMS to Northshore Forest Hills Hospital where he was R”L pronounced dead on arrival. Police have not yet made any arrests. The 112PCT has just confirmed that this man was Jewish and the Chevra Kaddisha Vaad Horabbonim Of Queens are working to ensure proper Kavod Hames is given.

(Sources: YW-11/YW-88/YW-112)

(Photo Credit: YW-LK)

4 Responses

  1. Baruch Dayan Ha’emes. May the aveilim be comforted B’soch shaar aveilei tion veyrushalayim.
    Nuch a reminder- Rabosai!!
    Uru yeshainim mishnaschem!

  2. i know the neighborhood where this killing took place , and it is a ‘safe’ area. are their any updates to this crime .was it a wanton killing or were the people involved known to each other.it would be interesting if the yeshiva world could update this news item .

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