AUDIO: Newt Gingrich Takes Questions From Jewish Callers


Republican Presidential candidate and former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich held a conference call for discussion and Q&A on America’s relationship with Israel, Friday Morning.

The speaker reiterated his campaign promise that on his very first day of becoming president, one of his first executive orders will be to move the United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The conference call lasted approximately 30 minutes, and was arranged by the The National Council of Young Israel.

In their email to YWN inviting us to participate in this phone call, the NCYI stated the following:

“The National Council of Young Israel is a 501c3 tax exempt organization. We cannot and do not endorse any candidate for political office. However, when asked by any Presidential Candidate, from any party, to invite our leadership—Rabbinic and lay—to discuss the issues important to our community,  we accept that opportunity.

AUDIO: You can hear this interview by calling the YWN Newsline at 718-506-1111. Choose option 4 for interviews.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

2 Responses

  1. It should be noted that while Jewish votes may be important in the general election, Jewish Republicans are not a significant factor in any of the important states involved in detgermining the nomination.

    All the Republican candidates are pro-Israel, social conservatives (which most frum Jews like) and are really trying hard to distinguish their economic policies from the other candidates. Except for Ron Paul the isolationist, all favor an agressive internationalist foreign policy which the US has adhered to since 1942 regardless of president.

  2. y stir the pot and create more animosity. do the gedolim advocate such a policy of moving the embassy or is it simple arrogance and pride that jews would want such a thing

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