Wall Street Hires ‘Occupy’ Protester

A woman who joined thousands of protesters chanting about the ills of Wall Street has crossed into “enemy territory.”

Tracey Postert headed down to Zuccotti Park after her aspirations of finding work in the field of academia fizzled out in October.

After spending 15 days making sandwiches and sweeping sidewalks, she realized she needed to find gainful employment, reports The New York Post. So she made a sign that read “Ph.D. Biomedical Scientist seeking full time employment” on the front and “Ask me for my resume” on the back.

A short time later, Wayne Kaufman, chief market analyst for John Thomas Financial Brokerage, accepted Postert’s resume and sent her an e-mail asking if she’d like to come in for an interview the next day, reports the Post.

Postert got a job at the Wall Street firm as a junior analyst evaluating medical companies as potential assets.

Now she’s working on becoming a certified financial analyst. And although the starting salary for her position is near minimum wage, she has the potential to earn six figures.|

Company CEO Thomas Belesis said she learned something from the opportunity.

“She was ranting about Wall Street, and now she’s working on Wall Street,” Belesis told the Post. “Banks are not so bad. I hope we have opened her eyes.”

(Source: NBC New York)

5 Responses

  1. I am laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes. The tears are for the hard-working local business people whose businesses are going under because of these “people.” They are there for the police who were abused. They are there for us, the taxpayers, who lose even more services because of the cost of cleanup and security.

    This woman epitomizes the hypocritical attitude of these leeches. She won’t be the only one. I hope SHE gets spat on or at least ostracized when she starts work. And believe me, she is NOT making near minimum wage.

  2. She heard everyone yelling back at her to “Get a job!,” and she did. Maybe that’s why the gov reported unemployment number went down last week?

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