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Report: Iran To Purchase Fighter-Jets Which Use Israeli Technology

iran af.jpgAccording to a Russian News Agency (Novosti), Iran has reportedly signed a deal with China to purchase 24 J-10 fighter jets. The jets were developed based on the technology of Israel’s Lavi fighter jet, whose technology was sold to China against the wishes of the US.

Novosti stated that the J-10 has a range of 2,940 kilometers, bringing it within range of Israel. Iran’s current MiG-29 jets have a range of 2,100 kilometers.

A Russian military expert, quoted by the agency, said that Iran plans to use the new aircraft as part of its defense of their nuclear facility in the face of a possible attack.

(Source: Jerusalem Post)

9 Responses

  1. if they can go against the wishes of the US in such cases why can’t they go against the wishes of the US when it comes to Jewish blood – the peace process, the peace of the grave, that is…

  2. I remeber how everything was so angry at the USA for blocking sales to India and China (not to say that the USA hasn’t sold tech that has been used against them). But everyone has to be much more carefull about selling to all those countries that are looking to make money.

  3. Typical Arab mehalech. Use your enemy’s technology to fight them. Just like the 9/11 pilots who were all trained to fly in flight schools right here in the USA. In fact, six months after the attacks one of the pilots was still getting mail from the federal student loan program!

  4. This is not surprising. Business is business.

    Every country has every other country’s technology in their systems, and over time any given country will be your enemy then your friend and back. Iran has US F-14s, IBM laptops are now manufactured in China (Lenovo), etc., etc.

    And, sometimes putting your technology in your enemy’s systems is a good thing. V’hameivin yavin.

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