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Ask Yiddele!

yid logo.jpg(M. Wyzanski) “Oy! Es is shver tzu zein a yid!”

I do not know who actually coined the famous quote, but one thing is for certain: with all of the mountains of challenges presented in our lives, it was always quite difficult to be a Jew. Today, however, with all of the craziness rampantly going on in the world, keeping our homes and our families safe from outside negative influences has become even more complex. And today, with the ‘progressive’ advent of the world of technology and computers, you don’t even have to go out of your own home to encounter the outrageous challenges and influences of the streets!

Now, for some, the answer might lie in harnessing modern living and doing without all the foolishness and dangers of the contemporary computer world at all. For most, though, the convenience, advantages and business benefits make giving up that piece of technology a real problem. But while solutions, like certain ‘kosher’ filters have been introduced into the internet systems of Jewish owned computers, there still remains a definite gap in services that otherwise would be available like – search engines – that modern technological invention that provides a selection of anything and everything – including the very inappropriate… with the simple press of the button. 

So, does being a frum Jew in our modern era limit one from gaining access to vital general information and business topics? Not necessarily, because now you can ask Yiddele at… YIDDELE.COM, the truly kosher search engine!

An exciting venture, to be sure,, a project of BSD Advertising and Public Relations, lists Shomer Shabbos businesses, schools, yeshivos, seminaries, organizations, government agencies, department stores, airlines, etc., WORLDWIDE, without the spiritual dangers involved. With an advisory board comprised of respected rabbonim, specific guidelines are set up so that no Jew will ever chas v’shalom have to stumble upon inappropriate literature, images, pictures or audio-visual presentations in their search for important facts.

And what makes so unique and safeguarded is the fact that, aside from providing basic kosher viewing material and vital information, every single site listed is screened so that no unfitting link to the site posted is accessible.

But there’s something even more about that makes it stand out, way above the crowd. Included in the directory is something that only offers:  FREE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES in categories such as jobs, cars, real estate, electronics – you name it!

Free classifieds? Is there a catch? Honestly, there is no catch, no shtick, no gimmicks. Just a wonderful, exciting opportunity for any business or private individual to have the spotlight shine on his or her enterprise with no strings attached…Simply submit your business name, address, and phone number and you’re in!

But the advantages and ramifications of is even far more reaching. A Jew not familiar with the language or whereabouts of pertinent places in Israel can be visiting there and with a quick type on the computer keys, information about car rentals, hotels, shul locations and schedules, kosher eateries, retail outlets, etc. in the Shomer Shabbos communities is readily available. The practicality and convenience that offers goes on and on, making modern-day living for the contemporary frum Jew, so much easier – and safer.

Businesses or any private individual interested in becoming a part of this exciting new and growing venture and upgrading their basic free listing can advertise in a variety of ways at surprisingly inviting prices. The VIP Priority listing, at $28 a month, features your business or service on the very top of its advertising list or search results in color highlight. The second order, the Premium listing at $18 a month, includes your business or service advertisement following the Priority list in a different color highlight. Both the VIP Priority and Premium listings include the advertiser’s logo, business description, email address, a link to a specific website, as well as an opportunity to display up to five pictures.

There are even bolder advertising options available, including a full-page ad. Hailed as a real booster for any business, it provides a professional graphic design, and an opportunity to be part of’s referral service, while having precedence in the listing order. Last, but certainly not least, businesses can offer either their own video presentations or one created by in the directory, making a statement like no other; after all, if one picture equals 1,000 words, then one video equals 1,000,000 pictures…

Obviously, for some, even with all of the filters that have been made available to the Jewish public, the dangers of having the broad computer world accessible in the home still does not make it worthwhile. Then, there are others who find themselves on the road or a trip without any access to the vital service they generally avail themselves to on the computer.’s phone system’s ‘information center’, therefore, is a wonderful convenience. Dial 1-888-886-5488 and any information is at hand within moments!

Es is shver tzu zein a yid?

When you look around and observe the general masses of people, the corruption, and the hideous problems that take place in today’s age, you might rightfully recall the brocha of earnest appreciation that you say each morning in recognition of what you are, who you are – and what you are not. Because when all is said and done, it is certainly a blessing to be a member of a people set apart in holiness.

Es is shver tzu zein a yid? In truth, it is shverer NISHT tzu zein a yid! Indeed, be grateful and acknowledge that, when it really comes down to it, it is far more difficult… NOT TO BE A YID!

*, the Shomer Shabbos directory for general information and businesses, is a subsidiary of BSD Advertising and Public Relations, the multi-media company that provides everything in advertising from standard publicity to websites, banners, video presentations and much more.

5 Responses

  1. Rav Moshe Feinstein, ZT”L, was against saying “Ess iz Shver to Zayn a Yid.”–It’s bad chinuch.

    We should always say “Oy, ess is gut to zayn a Yid!”

  2. sounds like a great beautiful idea- i wish them success.
    will you be able to do online searches like on yiddele or is it only a phone/address… type of directory?

    (i actually got the idea of my username from them.)

  3. I just searched Mincha Manhattan.
    They should include the Agudah Mincha map and the site in their domains.
    There will issues in the beginning – they have to err on the side of safety.
    Hatlacha Rabbah.
    VeeHee Noam …..

  4. After the hakamas hamidina the Chazon Eesh tz”l was reported as saying ” Si ken zein siz shver tzo zein a yid, uber siz shverer tzu zein a goy.”

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