Black Friday Shoppers Break Record With $11.4 Billion In Sales

Thousands of shoppers stayed up way too late — or got up at the crack of dawn — to snag a deal on Black Friday.

Thousands more headed out Saturday for the first, second or even third time, as retailers continued to see heavy foot traffic around New York City.

Black Friday 2011 accounted for $11.4 billion in retail purchases and the biggest dollar amount ever spent during the vaunted shopping day, according to ShopperTrak. The service reported retail walk-in traffic this year increased by 5.1% over Black Friday 2010, and 2011 Black Friday sales increased 6.6% over the same day last year.

(Source: NY Daily News)

2 Responses

  1. The could be a good sign for an American economic recovery (i.e. salvation for the Democrats), or it could just mean that advertising moved the December sales up a few weeks. The overall final five weeks of the year will be the critical period for judging the economic recovery.

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