Obama Heckled By ‘Occupy’ Protesters At New Hampshire Speech


President Obama was heckled on Tuesday during an appearance at a New Hampshire high school.

Obama had traveled north to the Granite State, which holds the nation’s first presidential primary, to discuss the economy and his proposal to extend a current payroll tax cut.

Just as the president started his speech, protesters, apparently from the Occupy Wall Street protest movement, used the “human mic” technique to amplify their voices. It was unclear what the protesters were saying, or what point they were attempting to make.

The president smiled through the disruption, saying: “No, it’s OK,” as other parts of the crowd sought to hush the protesters by chanting his name and old campaign slogan, “Yes We Can.”

“OK, guys,” Obama said after supporters drowned out the hecklers.

“I appreciate you guys making your point; let me go ahead and make mine,” Obama said before continuing his speech. “I’ll listen to you, you listen to me, OK?”

A few minutes later, Obama acknowledged the Occupy protest movement again, saying: “You are the reason I ran for office.”

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

(Source: The Hill)

4 Responses

  1. I smell a democRAT.   Too bad those hecklers were PLANTED! Obama sounded so at ease with them it was like he knew it was going to happen & it was written into his teleprompter.

  2. It should be noted that Obama (like the “Country Club Republicans) has always been a supporter of corporate welfare (a.k.a. crony capitalism, meaning subsidies and bailouts for friendly businesses who donate money to your campaign). While they disagree on some issues, there is a big overlap between “Occupy” and the “Tea Party”, in that they both object strongly to the government giving money to friendly business interests. Obama and friends want to capture the “Tea party” but might find it difficult, meaning that if a Republican who is opposed to “corporate welfare” gets the nomination, a big chunk of the “Occupy” could end up voting Republican.

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