Recent Poll: One in Four German See Positive Side Of Nazis

hol cover1.jpgA quarter of Germans believe aspects of the Nazi era were positive. Asked whether National Socialism was wholly negative or had some good points, 25% of respondents to the Forsa institute poll said yes, while 70% said no. The poll was published in Stern magazine to accompany an essay on “Why every fourth German still believes National Socialism had its good sides”. It comes after a debate sparked last month by a television presenter who said the Nazis’ attitude towards the family had been positive. Eva Herman, 48, was sacked from her role as a newsreader by public broadcaster NDR after her comments prompted an outcry.

The poll has drawn sharp criticism from the Central Council of Jews. Its vice president, Dieter Graumann, called it a warning sign and said it was “ugly, disastrous and it makes me sad and angry”.

2 Responses

  1. ahah the Germans are going to just make that element stronger if they keep shutting it down, people should be allowed to speak their minds no matter what… especially in Germany, so all the Jews there can stop being blind.

    of course it was better for the Germans during the Nazi era – they were the master race, they concentrated quite strongly on propagating that race, they were going to rule the world, etc.

    Now, these days, ok, they’re giving back some of the money they stole from us, which is ok, but they are forced to kiss up to us in apology, some of which may be actual remorse, but especially when it’s forced by political correctness, who needs it? Does it bring back the dead? Does it make my gramma better? No.

    As far as I’m concerned, they don’t suffer enough, the Germans. But if I was a German I would totally be like, “enough already”, then again, I heard they like that kind of groveling thing as part of their mentality.

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