Rabbi Gissinger Clarifies False Rumors Regarding KYO Restaurant In Monsey

gissinger.jpg(Click on image to read letter) An email has been going around for the past few days stating that a store in Monsey – KYO Restaurant – has been caught selling non-Kosher food. YW has been swamped with emails from residents in Monsey with this information. Yeshivaworld has just spoken to the Rav Hamachshir, Rav Shlomo Gissinger Shlita – a Rov in Lakewood – who has confirmed that these rumors are 100% false. This blatant act of Motzei Shem Ra was started by a disgruntled employee who was fired last week. Rav Gissinger further informed us that the establishment remains under his Hechsher, and is Kosher L’Mehadrin.

18 Responses

  1. YW editor: Thank you for responsibly researching this story before posting. An innocent establishment could have been put out of business based on the slander of one angry individual. Do you see now why so many people were upset with the way the Le Marais incident was handled? It was a similiar circumstance: one ex-employee making accusations against a former employer.

  2. I am not as Posek – but perhaps the name of this employee who created this false accusation should be known so other potential employers are not subjected to a similar situation should they hire this person.

    I say this because maybe if others see that one cannot get away with such a terrible act since their name will be all over and nobody will want to hire them then they will think long and hard about doing such a terrible act of blatant Motze Shem Rah

  3. The Le’Marie maaseh was not the same thing. There the mashgiach quit rather then feed people questionable food. Unfortunatly, V’Hameivin Yavin.

  4. zero_ t
    leave le marais out each establishments is judged
    seperatly , i will not elaborate cuz editor sensors everything

  5. To be accurate, I believe it’s Lashon Hara, not Motzei Shem Ra, as it was false information. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

  6. justajew:
    No, just the opposite: Lashon Hora refers to things that may be true. Spreading False rumors is the even worse aveira of motzei shem ra.

  7. #8 (justajew): Here’s the halacha –

    Lashon Hara: TRUE derogatory statements
    Motzi Shem Ra: FABRICATED derogatory statements

  8. As a person who frequented this restaurant, I can tell you that I always saw the Mashgiach Timidi. I even knew one of them (not the one in question) and he was a very ehrliche person. I was a little shocked when I heard the rumor and did not believe it.

  9. eggsolo:
    There are many reasons for this. It could be that this person wants this specific Rov for a certain reason. It can be his clients out side of Monsey. I am sure you can think of a reason or two as well.

  10. Why does this restaurant have a hashgocha from someone in Lakewood? Aren’t there Monsey Hashgochas?

    There are but the mashgiach is there full time and maybe it is hard to get a full time mashgiach in Monsey.

  11. sometimes, an establishment will go out of town where everyone is comfortable as opposed to in town where some people not be comfortable – logical – I don’t see it. similar to getting an educator or administrator from out of town, b/c out of town must be better and our in town folks are perfect for an out of town place – better than anyone there anyway – confusing, yes. logical no!

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