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UPDATED: Levaya For R’ Zev Chait Z”L

candle11.gifWe regret to inform you of the Levaya for R’ Zev Chait Z”L, a 29 year old Kollel Yungerman – who was R”L Niftar after an Illness. The Levaya will take place at Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim 76th Avenue & 147th Street in Kew Gardens Hills, at 1:30PM.

UPDATE: The Yeshiva has been able to set up a telephone conference service for today’s levaya for Refael Zev Chait. To access the levaya over your phone line, call 1-785-686-2400 (normal long-distance charges to  Kansas will apply). Enter access code 7601147, and you should be able to hear all the hespedim.
 Boruch Dayan Emmes…..

16 Responses

  1. A true tzaddik, ben torah, and all around wonderful person. What a sad day for klal yisroel. Hashem should confort his family among the mourners of zion and jerusalem. May his wife and children find comfort and happiness.

  2. Baruch Dayan HaEmes. He was a real great person. Even when he was sick, he was still in Yeshiva as much as possible shteigin away. A big loss for klal yisroel. May his family know no more tzaros.

    (His parents are R’ Chaim and Miriam Chait from Far Rockaway.)

  3. Boruch Dayan Emmes!

    As someone else who also knew him I can simply say he was a tzaddik. May Hashem comfort the family b’toch shar avlei tzion v’yerushalayim. And may they know no more tzaros.

  4. Does anyone know if the levaya can still be heard by calling the number above? I tried calling it, but it did not seem to work. Thank you!

  5. dgmiami, his parents are Rabbi Chaim and Miriam Chait of Far Rockaway. Incidentally, the listing above this one, Pinchus Netzer, was a cousin of Refoel Zev’s.

  6. If anyone has information on where shiva is (his parents and his wife) I would appreciate it being posted, or being referred to where I could get the information (a shul or yeshiva office phone number). Thank you.

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