9:44AM EST: Swastikas Found On Young Israel Of Hillcrest & HATZOLAH AMBULANCE

hate crimes3.jpg9:02AM EST: (Update in extended story) Yeshivaworld has just learned that numerous swastikas have been found on the Young Israel of Hillcrest (Queens). The swastikas were apparently spray-painted on the building located on Jewel Avenue and 169th Street overnight. Numerous officers from the NYPD 107pct are on the scene – and are awaiting the NYPD “Hate Crimes Unit” to respond. UPDATE 9:44AM EST: YW has just been informed, that swastikas have been found on a Queens Hatzolah Ambulance (Q-04). The ambulance is always parked in the driveway of the Shul.

(Source: YW106)

8 Responses

  1. Probably community leaders and law enforcement agencies are less aggressive to find swastikas painters. But it’s much easier now before they move on to worse things. I have a feeling these guys are just testing the waters…

  2. zhlopp,

    Jews have lived in golus with far more anti Semitism than is found here.

    Living in Eretz Yisroel is a mitzva but there are many complex considerations. There is much anti chareidi feelings and activities from some quarters.

    One should contact a Torah authority before undertaking such a move since it may entail spiritual and even physical danger in many situations.

  3. zhlopp and insane,
    Our welcome is expiring so lets run to israel! WOW what a solution. Have you been in Israel lately? If you need to feel welcomed go to your mommy.

  4. tzoorba,

    Indeed there are many complex considerations but with each passing day there is less and less of a heter not to live in Eretz Yisrael. Indeed it is not a stretch by any means to say many (if not most) of the greastest gedolim of our dor live (or lived) in Eretz Yisrael.


    Sadly, when we hear yidden say such harmful Loshen Hara about Eretz Yisrael today the whole mysah meraglim isn’t such a peleh…

  5. Zhlopp,
    Obviously you haven’t been reading Yeshivaworld lately. For you would have seen that there have been tens of cases of Swastika graffiti all over Israel.

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