TO ALL THOSE WHO DID NOT SEE THIS LAST WEEK: Yeshivaworld Introduces Daily Halacha!

mb.gifYeshivaworld is constantly working on improving its service to the YW community – and we are currently working on many new features to enhance the website which will be implemented IY”H in the near future. We felt that the website needed some Divrei Torah. So on that note, our newest feature proudly added is our “Daily Halacha” section. It can be found on the left side column – under the features button. Each day a new Halacha will be available for our valued readership.

As the days pass, the previous Halacha is automatically added into an archive which will be available for your reading – and learning pleasure.

Our daily Halacha is provided by “Halachically Speaking” – which is a weekly publication compiled by Rabbi Moishe Dovid Lebovits, chaver kollel of Kollel Nachlas Dovid in Yeshiva Torah Voda’as.

Each issue reviews a different area of contemporary halacha with an emphasis on practical applications of the principles discussed. Significant time is spent ensuring the inclusion of all relevant shittos on each topic, as well as the psak of Horav Yisroel Belsky, shlita on current issues. (Detailed footnotes are provided for further study.)

For a weekly email subscription to Halachically Speaking, please send your email address to [email protected]. A nominal fee will be charged.

Halachically Speaking is distributed to over 40 shuls in Brooklyn reaching over 1000 readers on a weekly basis.

23 Responses

  1. can you please make it that NO ONE can comment, Halacha is Halacha, you have a comment you ask your local orthodox Rabbi, because sometimes people may stupid things that will undermine the Rabbi and the Torah!
    please comply.

    Editors Response: Did you bother checking to see if anyone can comment, or are you just assuming?

  2. R’ Moishe Dovid Lebovitz is a budding Talmid Chochom and a tremendous M’Zakeh Es HaRabbim. I have used many of his greatly detailed Halacha sheets as shiurim to Baalei Teshuvos.
    I congratulate YW for utilizing R’ Moishe Dovid, he will be a tremendous asset to an already 5-star website!

  3. Each word of Torah is equal to all 613 Mitzvos. Imagine if 5000 people use this Halachah feature for 1 minute every day. Do the math, your Zechusim are tremendous.
    Ashrecha V’toiv Lach!

  4. To #18
    Imagine if 25000 people visit this Website for 5 minutes everyday & perhaps for many of them at a time when the could have been learning instead. Now you do the math.
    P.S. What are the chances this comment will make it through?

  5. mormat,
    Congrats on making it through.
    I totaly agree with you. We can’t be policemen. People have to be honest with themselves. If your reading Yeshiva World when you are supposed to be learning or doing something more important, SHAME ON YOU! I was refering to the rest of the people.

  6. mazxel tov. I just can’t understsnd why is there so much exitement about learning on the net, and so much less in the bais hamedresh, obviously …………………….

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