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Eretz Yisroel: Frum Mother Taking Children To Cheder R”L Killed In Horrific Crash

DSC05286.jpgA woman by the name of Shayela Ben-Shlomo A”H, 38, from Geva Binyamin was R”L killed this morning while driving three of her children to Cheder in Yerushalayim – according to Hatzolah Israel. The accident occurred on the “Adom/Chizma Highway” when one of the drivers suddenly veered onto the wrong side of the highway. Boruch Hashem her three children only suffered light injuries.

Additionally, an Arab driver was killed in the other vehicle – and the two passengers were listed in serious condition. (Click HERE for additional pictures)

6 Responses

  1. Rachmono Litzlon!
    Can’t help but wonder if this was intentional.
    Al tiftach peh, but even worse, will other yishmoeilim yimach shmom get ideas that crashing cars (like planes) is easier to pull off than wearing a bomb.
    Lets hope it was just an accident and we only hear bisuros tovos

  2. YRK –
    I seriously doubt a driver on one side of the highway would be able to positively identify the religion/nationality of the driver of a car coming in the opposite direction in enough time to act on your “suicide car” theory. It was a tragic accident.

  3. just,
    I dont’ hear your s’vara. Rov drivers in West Jerulasem are Yidden. And from their perspective, if they accidnetally kill an aino-yehudi, nisht g’ferlach, it was still a good try.

  4. That is true, but there was one such case about 20 years ago where an Arab trucker forced a car with two rebbeim and their two sons off a cliff. They were all killed instantly – he was a friend of the family. There are many other such stories where Arab cars intentionally drove into bus stops, or bulldozers into private cars etc.
    In light of all that, this does sound like an accident. In Israel, cars often pass other cars by going into opposing traffic.

  5. yrk-
    accourding to the police, the jewish woman was the cause of the accident.i would also agree with justajew, that it would be hard to identify who is driving in your far as the location of the accident, adam/chizma highway is not in jerusalem at all,rather east of jerusalem in the direction of the west bank.

  6. yrk-
    According to the police, the jewish woman caused the accident, by mistakenly entering the lane of oncoming traffic.furthermore i agree with justajew that it would be hard to pull off an accurate attack in such a manner. btw Michoel, adam chizma highway is not in jerusalem, rather east of jerusalem in the direction of the west bank, and a very large percentage of the cars driving there are arabs.

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