Montreal: Man Accused Of Bombing Skver Yeshiva Building Has Three Charges Dropped

suspects.jpgThree of nine charges against Azim Ibragimov, charged with hate-motivated crimes against targets that included Jewish community landmarks (as reported HERE on YW), were dropped in Quebec Court yesterday.

The charges of conspiracy to commit armed robbery, conspiracy to commit a kidnapping and forcible confinement were all withdrawn.

He still faces three counts of using fire or an explosive to cause damage to property, one of possession of explosives, one count of uttering death threats, and uttering threats to damage or destroy property.

His co-accused, Omar Bulphred, 22, still faces nine counts.

(Source: The Gazette)

2 Responses

  1. Way to go liberal Canada !!! Don’t worry you are following in the ways of the U.K. Your country will be filled with hateful Arabs in no time.

  2. I think that Canada is scared that Al Queida will turn their attention to them, they have been pretty much left out of the rest of the world for the better part of their existence, and I think that they like it that way.

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