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Israel: Rav Was A No Show At Chupah-Court Orders Damages

For Ariel and Sharon, a couple from the Sharon area of Israel their wedding night was one they will never forget, unfortunately not because things went smoothly. The rav who was supposed to marry the couple never arrived and another rav was found after they waited hours, the daily Maariv reports.

At long last, the chupah was held at 10:50pm after a new kesuva was written. Most of the guests however had enough and left earlier, and the main course was served to those who remained at about midnight.

The rav who was supposed to perform the chupah is from the Netanya Rabbinate, and when much time passed and he did not arrive, the family tracked down the rav of the city seeking advice. He instructed another rav to respond to the hall to conduct the chupah.

The couple took the rav to court, and the latter explained to the court that due to construction on the way to the hall, he simply got lost, arriving at another hall. He went on to explain that being a diabetic, he went into crisis and only arrived back in his home at midnight.

It happens that on that evening he failed to take his mobile phone with him and therefore he explained, he could not contact the couple that was waiting for him. The rav told the court that the couple is responsible for not providing him with a satisfactory map.

The judge told the rav that it was his responsibility to make certain he knew the route prior to the wedding night, or permit ample time to get lost and still make it on time. Since he found that he was not able to make it, he was responsible to make arrangements to have someone take his place rather than permit the couple, the families and guests wait.

The rav was ordered to pay damages in the amount of NIS 30,000. The court did not compel the rav to pay for the food since the court felt the couple should have served the main course before the chupah instead of waiting until midnight.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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