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Kiev Shul Dedicates Its New 5-Story Extension

bleich.jpgA ceremony dedicating a five-story extension to the main Shul in Kiev took place last evening, JTA reports. Many Ukrainian officials and delegations from Israel and Russia were in attendance – as well as Moshe Kantor, the president of the European Jewish Congress. The Rov of the Shul is Rabbi Yaakov Dov Bleich, and the new building includes a Yeshiva with 25 Bochrim, a Cheder serving 35 children, a dormitory, and dining hall.

(Archive photo of Rabbi Bleich)

5 Responses

  1. R’ YD is a tzaddik who has been moser nefesh for Russian Jewry for years and years (close to 2 decades?). He is an inspiration to us.

    Hoe many of us who grew up in Brooklyn would be able to make Kiev their home and build a community (Yeshivas, shul, camps, mikva etc)from scratch?

  2. I was in Ukraine for a summer many years ago. I recall that Rabbi Bleich was extremely dedicated and charismatic. May Hashem give him much Hatzlacha and Bracha in all that he does.

  3. Kol hakovod! I was there a few times and outside of lubabitch, this guy is one of the only ones making things happen in Ukraine!!

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