Review: NYPD Deputy Inspector Broke Pepper Spray Rule

A New York City police deputy inspector violated department guidelines when he used pepper spray on Occupy Wall Street protesters in September, a person with knowledge of the investigation said.

The person had direct knowledge of the review but was not authorized to speak publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on Tuesday on condition of anonymity.

The video from the Sept. 24 incident shows Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna blasting a cluster of women with pepper spray. Two of the women crumple on the sidewalk in pain. One screams.

The person said an internal New York Police Department review found that Bologna violated department standards on pepper spray use. He faces internal discipline of a loss of vacation time. He may choose to appeal the decision.

(Source: MyFoxNY)

3 Responses

  1. Haleivi: The DA is still investigating and considering criminal charges. This departmental charge and penalty is seperate and additional.

  2. @HaLeiVi:
    Loss of vacation time can be a significant punishment. He’s probably looking at 4 weeks time: that is a months pay and it is vacations, family plans, etc. that are gone. In some ways it is worse than being suspended: you have to show up for work.
    However, he will probably be transferred, lose his command, and never get promoted: his career is toast.

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