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Australian Mother Saves Her Mishpacha In Large Inferno

fire11.jpgA Melbourne mother miraculously rushed her five children from a burning house in the early hours of Monday morning. Nicole Herzog’s quick thinking saved her family from harm, but her husband Yossi believes a higher hand also guided his family. “Hashem looked after us.” he told The Australian Jewish News.

Herzog and his children, Chayla, 16, Libby, 13, Yechiel, 8, Osher, 6 and Menachem, 2, were asleep around 1:30AM but Nicole was still up making a phone call when the smoke detectors activated.

“She woke me, I got out of bed and disarmed the smoke detectors and the fire alarm,” Herzog said.

“A few seconds later, the phone rang. It was the security company checking up on us. I said everything seems to be all right, but I went to the back of the house to check and it was completely ablaze.

“Yechiel was in the back room asleep. I couldn’t get into the normal door of his room so I went around through the laundry and back porch to his room and began smashing the glass door with an outdoor chair.

“I couldn’t put my hand inside on the lock because it was that hot. I was yelling and screaming that my son’s in there, but then my wife said ‘No, I’ve got everyone out the front’.”

(Source: AJN)

7 Responses

  1. I know this family very well. Thet are the most unbeleivablr people. Yossi is the Mr. Baal Chesed of Melbourne. He was the PResident of Adaas, the main Kehilla and was the chairman of the Lakewood Kolell there for a long time.

    There is a famous satory that R’ Yaakov Kaminetzky Zatzal said on the family that as long as they live there there will ber Torah in Menbourne.

    Mrs. Herzog as well is extremely well known for her chassodim as well.

    This is a beautiful story I heard this already earlier in the week and may we only hear good news

  2. Chasdei Hashem that this family was saved. May Hashem continue to watch over them and yidden everywhere.

    I was a classmate of a sister in Monsey, the whole family are wonderful baalei chessadim. Surely these zechusim were remembered by Hashem.

  3. Her maiden name is Cohen the daughter of Reb Yisroel Cohen who is the brother of the famous Harav Hagoen Reb Chaim Cohen Shlit”a.

  4. Tzedokoh Tatzil Mimoves. Yossi’s father is a tremendous Ba’al Tzedokoh and all his children are succesful businessmen and tremendous Ba’aley Tzedokoh as well.

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