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GREAT NEWS: Misaskim New Hotline Number

yw new logo2.jpgIt is 6:00 in the morning. You know that a certain family you are acquainted with is sitting shiva and you want to be there for the shacharis minyan but you don’t know the address of the availim and the schedule for davening. It’s too early to call anyone, yet if you wait any longer, chances are that you will have missed your opportunity. Instinctively, you look up a number that responds to such inquiries twenty-four hours a day. You dial 718-854-4548.

Ring…Ring…Ring… “Thank you for calling CCR Misaskim. Press one for the Shiva hotline. Press two, if this is an emergency not during business hours. Press three, if you are calling during normal business hours to reach the secretary.”

You press number one on the receiver of your telephone.

“Your call is being transferred,” a voice says. Then, “You have reached the Misaskim Shiva Hotline. To hear Shiva locations and schedules, dial the first five letters of the family you wish to hear about. If the family you are inquiring about has less than five letters in its last name dial the letters and then press the pound sign. If you wish to add a listing to the Shiva Hotline, dial the Misaskim number during normal business hours…”

You dial the five letters associated with the family you wish to hear about and are given the correct address and precise times for Shacharis, Mincha, and Maariv. Shacharis is at 7:30 a.m. You know that will not miss the minyan now only because Misaskim was there for the information you needed at the right moment…

Misaskim, the legendary organization dedicated to the mitzvah of kibud hameis, has demonstrated its true character once again by adding this much- needed information service to its long list of chesed. Known particularly for arriving swiftly at the scene of (lo aleinu) a fatal accident and performing all the functions of a chevra kadisha with sensitivity in such tragic occurrences, Misaskim also provides low chairs and tables, sifrei Torah, siddurim, and chumashim for the shiva house.

The new information hotline about shiva locations and davening and shiva schedules still does not end Misaskim’s mission, however. With vision and an extraordinary drive to ease the burden and pain of the loss of a family member, Misaskim plans to add a new service in the near future – facilitating a telephone hook-up of a levaya for those family members who find themselves in distant places and are unable to travel or cannot make it in time to attend.

May Mashiach come very, very soon so that Misaskim and its holy activities will no longer be needed among klal Yisroel. In the meantime, the new Shiva Hotline can be reached twenty-four hours a day at 718-854-4548.

15 Responses

  1. “May Mashiach come very, very soon so that Misaskim and its holy activities will no longer be needed among klal Yisroel.”

    Amen. Wow, mi keamcha yisroel.

  2. Speaking as someone who’s (unfortunately) been on both sides of shiva, I can honestly say what a tremendous benefit this will be. Tizku L’mitzvos!

  3. This past month I was reading a Misaskin advertisement that asked when was the last time you were by a shiva home and Misaskim wasn’t there I thought and thought and you know what they are right Misaskim is by every and I mean every shiva home. I feel so good to know people really care Bleiv Shaleim

  4. great organization
    great work
    your cover with the open grave was too graphic and a bit distasteful
    I only mean this for your good as others are commenting about it
    I would welcome to hear others feelings about this

  5. BuzBuz, are you still available for coding?

    I just submitted to them a new feature for their Hotline and your help will surely be appreciated.

    Make contact with them if you happen to read this.

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