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Judge Denies Request To Have Lakewood Sicko Evaluated In Abduction

lakewoodrapistpic.jpgAccording to the Asbury Park Press, a judge has denied a request to have a Lakewood man evaluated for his competency to stand trial in the abduction & assault of a Lakewood woman (as reported HERE on YW), citing a psychologist’s report that he faked psychological problems. State Superior Court Judge James N. Citta last week denied a request by attorneys for Brandon Fritz to have him evaluated for his competency to stand trial.

Citta denied the request after First Assistant Prosecutor Ronald F. DeLigny argued that a psychologist who examined Fritz reported there was “a 100 percent chance he was feigning psychological problems.”

Attorneys for Fritz had sought the evaluation after he was sent in the spring to a psychiatric hospital in Trenton, after exhibiting some behavior at the Ocean County Jail.

He has since been returned to the jail.

(Source: APP)

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