Levaya Of R’ Alter Tovia Davis Z”L

candle3.gifChesed Shel Emmes has informed Yeshivaworld that the grandfather of Fraidy Moskowitz A”H who was R”L killed in the accident on Chol Hamoed, R’ Alter Tovia Davis Z”L of B.P. was Niftar. The Levaya is scheduled for 11:00AM at Shomrei Hadas Chapels.

9 Responses

  1. OY!!! Ribono Shel Oylum, you are the Dayun Emes, so You Hashem have all the answers to ‘WHY’, but please Aibishter, please show us your Rachamim, and give you children no more tzaros, and ony Simchas, Yeshuos, Refuos, Venechumos!!

  2. Please Raboisai – This has been such a schreckliche time with all the terrible tragedies. We have to do serious teshuva – Don’t just say – well we have the internet that’s why we find out all the tragedies immediately – it’s just normal – Obviously, Hashem knows that we are finding it out immediately and is sending us, brachamuv, these messages – we just have to listen – each person- take on what you can – so that we can bring the emese yeshuah!

  3. His daughter, Mrs. Altman will continue sitting in her home for her daughter at 1020 Ditmas Ave.

    Thursday morning she will join her siblings for the remainder of the shiva for her father.

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