Friedman Condemns Zionism As Criminal

nk.10.jpgAustrian Rabbi, Moshe Aryeh Friedman, also the Chief of Orthodox Anti-Zionist society has described the Zionist regime as ‘criminal’.

In a three-day conference on Judaism against Zionism in Iran’s Mashad Fersdowsi University, the Austrian Rabbi condemned the Zionist Regime for invading Palestine and further destroying the faith of world-wide religions.

“Our religious beliefs oblige us to secure the freedom of all Palestinians and the sacred Jerusalem from the aggressive Zionist invaders.” Friedman said.

“The Zionist Regime has committed world-wide crimes behind its holocaust fabrication, presenting the Zionists as champions of suffering and persecution,” he said.

“Although they commit heinous crimes before the eyes of the world, international organizations such as the UN chooses to remain silent and ignorant,” he added.

“The Zionist regime has justified its wide-spread atrocities, by distorting the testaments and True Jewish Values,” he concluded.

(Source: Press TV)

20 Responses

  1. who cares what he says, when he says it and to whom it is being said. Give me a good juicy quote from ‘Hilly’ or ‘Obama’ instead.

  2. I dont think these people even believe the stuff they say. I think the cheshon goes like this “Look zionism is wrong , so if we can make a good living giving a fews speaches why not !”
    I really think that it all comes down to money not ideology. Who knows how much money the rusha from iran brought in his diplomatic pouches(unable to be searched by u.s. gov) to bribe these guys. They are like propoganda kapos thinking they can befriend the enemy.

  3. With all due respect (not much), the Israeli government despises the religious and somehow finds the money to build cities for Darfurian refugees rather than for the Gush Katif citizens whose homes and lives they destroyed.

    If someone hates the Israeli government and the crimes they perpetrate against their own people to curry world favor, I understand that.

    However, this man is smooching someone who wants to destroy all Jews, and even if he is 100% justified in hating the State of Israel, he is committing crimes against the entire Jewish people, no matter where they live, what their level of daat is or anything else.

  4. Guys,
    Put this one to rest already.There’s no mitzva to trot out the same old comments each time these NK misfits do something UNnewsworthy.

  5. Maybe Friedcircuits can stay in Iran this time? This way if Iran is nuked, little Freeky Freedy can get a whiff of some radiation, which just might do him some good.

    And I agree 100% with Skazm. I, too, despise the government and the framework of the medina. However, it exists and at least we have (limited) access to the mekoimois hakedoishim, so we cannot hope for it to be destroyed by anyone other than Moshiach.

  6. “The Zionist Regime has committed world-wide crimes behind its holocaust fabrication”

    Even by Ku Klux Karta standards, Freeky Freedy is a shoiteh, menivel, vegas ruach. I guess he did not get much attention as a child, so, since he never grew up, he is looking for attention now.

    If he really wants attention, he should stand in front of a high speed train and wave to the engineer.

  7. #6:
    We don’t say “yimach shmo” on a jew!!!
    p.s. He has children!
    Why do thay have to go from this world for the sin’s of there father?

  8. I really don’t understand these people. I understand why someone would be Anti-Zionist and have animosity towards that rashayim that we have in government, but why do they partner up with the enemies of the Jewish people? And why do they, supposedly G-d fearing, Torah abiding Jews, act like the Eretz Yisrael belongs to the Arabs?
    Eretz Yisrael is the third leg of Judaism, without it the table will collapse.

  9. torahis1,

    Puleeze…You meant that seriously? Tell me you’re not over 18, will you?

    Thousands of ehrlich Jews understand all too clearly “just how evil the Israeli government is”, a sentiment which is as close to the stance of rasha Friedman as it is to that of Ralph Nader.

    The link you are trying to establish is childish, simplistic, and beyond silly.

  10. was this on chol hamoed or on yom tov (he doesnt keep yom tov; as for chol hamoed — this is a davar ha’avud — a lost cause)

    did he bring in an israeli etrog, or did he get one in iran? if farsi, its definitely murkav — spoiled, like him.

  11. I guess it’s fine if acts such as the Gush Katif expulsion are seen as benign by some, and not the evil that it is.

    zionflag- A government can be evil without painting each individual participant with the same brush. But I think you know that.

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