London: Doctors in Race to Find Ashkenazi Cancer Gene

ccccc.jpgA major research project is under way to try to identify the genes that make Ashkenazi Jews disproportionately susceptible to bowel cancer. “It is said that the risk of bowel cancer for Ashkenazi Jews is two or three times that of the general white Western population,” said Professor Ian Tomlinson, of Cancer Research UK, which is co-sponsoring the research with the ABC (Ashkenazi Bowel Cancer) study group.

The group is appealing to members of the Jewish community to give blood for a study which they hope will eventually make it easier to prevent the disease.

To take part in the study, candidates need to give a small blood sample and complete a short medical questionnaire. The results will remain confidential and be disclosed neither to the donor nor their doctor.

(Source: The Jewish Chronicle)

One Response

  1. Kol Ha’Kovod! It is nice to see some news concerning the Yidden coming out of England that doesn’t deal with the rise of Anti-Semitism there. And this research will surely save lives. I would like to see more research done as to why there is Tay-Sachs, other Jewish genetic diseases, etc.

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