Bloomberg Says Obama Could Be Re-Elected

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says he thinks President Barack Obama could win re-election next year in spite of the country’s high unemployment rate.

Bloomberg cites the power of incumbency as one of Obama’s advantage. He says if he were Obama, he would emphasize what he’s done to try to improve the economy and admit some things haven’t worked but that he’ll keep trying.

The Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-independent says Obama remains a viable candidate and that the election is a real horse race regardless of the GOP nominee.

Bloomberg tells NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he probably won’t endorse a candidate. He didn’t make an endorsement in 2008.

(Source: NBC News)

5 Responses

  1. “Bloomberg cites the power of incumbency as one of Obama’s advantage”. That’s about the only advantage he has, as he has done nothing but make everything worse than it was. Obviously Bloomberg doesn’t know too much if he can predict that Obama can win (G-d forbid!).

  2. Obama could win, but he’ll need a lot of help from the Republicans, and maybe a few miracles as well (and since the major threat to the economy is what’s happening in Europe, he doesn’t have much control over the matter).

  3. Dear Mr. Bloomberg, please don’t you ever say the word reelect from your mouth.

    Please sir, finish your unjustified term and move to one of those islands where the 44th president is a citizen and stay put. Enough is enough.

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