Maine State Police: Driver Fell Asleep In Fatal Crash This Summer

2.jpgThe Associated Press is reporting that the crash that R”L killed Habochur Hachushuv, Gedallia Rosenblatt Z”L, and hospitalized four others this summer in the state of Maine (reported HERE on YW), was caused when the van’s driver fell asleep at the wheel. Maine State Police said that the driver fell asleep while driving the van that was filled with summer campers from Camp Seven Springs in Bethel, N.Y.

All the van’s occupants were asleep at the time of the crash and the only likely cause was that the driver fell asleep as well, police said. An inspection of the van turned up no mechanical problems, and excessive speed and alcohol were ruled out as factors.

The reason Yeshivaworld is posting this report, is to remind the tens of thousands of people across the globe who are currently traveling on Chol Hamoed trips about the dangers of driving while not well rested.

Please drive safely, and enjoy your Chol Hamoed.

13 Responses

  1. Even if you are well rested if everyone in the car is asleep and the drive is long and monotonous,and the road is dark and not very “traveled”, it is easy to be hypnotized and to doze off. I sometimes wonder how many zchusim I’ve used those times when I kind of drifted off a bit and suddenly “awoke” to find my car veering off a little. Scary. I think the driver should NEVER be the only one up.

  2. I believe your intentions are noble and you are only posting this for the public good. However being that the drivers name is public information it does seem like loshon horah.

  3. #3 – Are you a Posek on Loshon Hora.
    At least now the Driver’s name has been cleared. It is no credit to him to have fallen asleep – BUT at least he was not speeding or had taken some prescription drug(and drove just the same!).

    Making you should do more “clear thinking” before you insinuate YW is saying LH.

  4. #4 if you read my post you will see that i said in a very respectable way that it “seemed” like loshon horah. If you have a psak to prove otherwise I would be happy to concede if not you are guessing and doing what you are accusing me of “being a posek on loshon horah”

  5. thinking clearly,

    with all due respect this is not loshon harah and ‘the emes’ was correct for pointing it out to you.
    I don’t know why people think they can ‘correct’ yeshivaworld’, but when people correct them they don’t like it and need proofs.
    yeshiva world posted this ‘le toeles’, for a ‘constructive reason’ and did it according to the laws of loshon horah which is to state that it is Le toeles and how it is, which he did in the last paragraph.
    This is definatley MUCH NEEDED and it is something that I see, that many people don’t take seriously enough!
    thank you YW for the much needed article!

  6. Known fact that the body is at rest from 12 to 5AM, do not make major decisions, careful driving and no power machinery during those hours.

  7. gentleman / ladies – please stop the point / counterpoint arguments re: LH. This is a great tragedy. these LH arguments don’t help.

    I have been reading/posting here for about a year now and one thing that I have noticed consistantly is that YWEditor is responsive to emails and has pulled posts or even edited stories if there was a legimate concern raised. by claiming publically that YWEditor is posting LH probably falls into the category of LH being as their are people who know who the YWEditor is and people know this site to be a site of emes.

    if i can make a suggestion in the spirit of shalom and achdus… it anybody believes that YW is posting LH in a thread – please send a personal email to the editor. if you really believe that there is rampant LH here, i would think that you would have an obligation to stay away – not sure if you have an obligation to go public without first going private

    All these arguments of yes it is/no it’s not are not helpful

  8. When we travel long distances at night, I stay awake and speak to my husband so that he does not dose off. I think everyone should do the same.

  9. I’m pretty sure I remember reading at the time, maybe in the local paper or in the Hamodia that they had traded drivers just an hour before the accident and the driver had rested most of the night.

  10. I whole heartedly agree with YW as I have done many late night trips and this is a major concern. Thanx for the awareness.

  11. I think that Sruly is very right. When we used to make trips when I was a Bachur in Eretz Yisrael, i don’t think I can remember a time when the driver was the only one up. Even if he drank coffee or Red Bull.

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