Rav Shimon Eider ZATZAL

candle14.gifWe regret to inform you of the Petira of the noted Posek in Lakewood – Rav Shimon Eider ZATZAL (on the second day of Yom Tov) after a long illness. Rav Eider was a Talmid of Hagoen Rav Aron Kotler ZATZAL, and wrote many Seforim. The Levaya is scheduled for 11:00AM at BMG, and the Kevurah will take place in New Jersey. Boruch Dayan Emmes….

14 Responses

  1. Rav Shimon ZTL was a bukei in poskim i recall eating by him one shobbos when i was a teenager his knowlage in all chelkei shulchan oruch was amazing

  2. Oy what a loss for klal yisroel – He knew so much and his psak was always so clear. He was always available to help anyone who needed anything from near and far. What a tzaddik! He should just be a maylitz yosher for klal yisroel and for his family.

  3. This is a great loss to Klall Yisroel. How many has he been mezakeh with his comprehensive seforim? May another light shine among our people to try and fill his place.

  4. Boruch Dayan Ho’Emmes. A true Godol who was mezakeh klal Yisroel with his sforim and who was always accessible for whoever wanted to ask him something. I remember meeting him in England and actually once phoned him with a shaaleh when here in England it was the middle of the night and too late to phone any local Rav. He had a good laugh (he seemed to have had a great sense of humor) and paskend. May he continue to be mezakeh us as a meilitz yoshor in shomayim and may his family have a nechama

  5. was a meshamesh of R Moshe ztl for many years, wrote landmark seforim on eiruv, niddah, shabbos and pesach and the 3 weeks, built eiruvin for dozens of communities around the world, was a bukki in kashrus of so many companies and ingredients, was a posek for so many people including loads of out of towners, gave countless shiurim on hilchos pesach and kashrus, was a moro dasro in camp munk – i will never forget standing next 2 him by R mMoshe Feinsteins levaya and watching tears rolling nonstop down his eyes. Klal yisroel has lost a treasure. Yihie Zichro Boruch

  6. Boruch Dayan HoEmes…I remember Reb Shimon when he was a bochur and a councilor in Camp Kol Rina. He taught swimming and hilchas Shabos, and his warmth and clear understanding gave both subjects a special flavor. I have used his brilliant sforim to teach Chasanim for years, and will always be in awe of his wide ranging mind and compassion. We have lost a giant, and I know that in the time ahead Klall Yesroil will realize how special this soul was.

  7. he ALWAYS had a smile. he always greeted me warmly. even when i was 8 yrs old, he made me feel like a grown up. i will never forget his warmth!

  8. I spoke to him on the phone recently about a question I had on a psak from R’ Moshe zt”l. He was courteous and answered my question, he gave no indication that he was sick, I only found out later that he was so sick. despite this he gave me time and encouraged me. he was an adam gadol and a tzadik. the jewish world is that much worse off without this tremendous gadol.
    Baruch Dayan Haemes.

  9. Rav Eider zt”l was certainly a trailblazer, being amoung the first to write halacha seforim in English that comprehensively, succinctly and in an organized easily readable manner, aided so many people in the understanding and observing of hilchos shabbos, nidah, eiruv and etc. It is important to reflect and be makir tov and to appreciate the significance of this loss.

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