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Levaya Of Mr. David Ringel Z”L

candle13.gifMr. David Ringel of Lakewood was Niftar on Erev Yom Tov. His Levaya will take place at Kennedy Airport at the cargo area at 10:15PM on Motzai Shabbos – and approximately 4:30PM on Sunday at Har Menuchos. He was a prominent Baala Bos in Lakewood and a big Baal Tzedaka. He was also a holocaust survivor who was Moser Nefesh for Yidishkeit. He has a son who is a prominent Baala Bos in Lawrence NY, and a Choshuva daughter who lives in Manhattan. Yehi Zichro Boruch.

6 Responses

  1. He was such an upstanding man in our community! Built Rabbi Blech’s shul almost single handedly – never missed minyan – you could see him saying tehillim at all hours – He should be a maylitz yosher for klal yisroel and for his chashuva family

  2. The Levaya took place at har hazesim at about 6:00pm the familly will be sitting shiva i beleive in his home after the second days.

  3. With respect to the last comment: The difference would be to those individuals who wish to visit the kever.

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