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Spitzer Calls On Congress To Push Monticello Casino Decision

poker.jpgThe Times Herald Record reports: Gov. Eliot Spitzer is calling for a congressional oversight hearing to force Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne to explain why he has not acted on the St. Regis Mohawk casino in Monticello. (Click HERE for original story.)

“The Secretary has had all of the information he needs to reach a decision for months; yet, he continues to let the application languish,” Spitzer wrote in a Sept. 17 letter to Rep. Nick J. Rahall II, chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee.

In February, Spitzer OK’d the casino at Monticello Gaming & Raceway. The Mohawks previously cleared the other major hurdle when the Interior Department approved the environmental piece.

Kempthorne still must agree to take the land into trust for the proposed $600 million casino. He has put about two dozen other tribes with pending applications for off-reservation casinos, including the Mohawks, on notice that final approval is not guaranteed.

4 Responses

  1. Let the Department stretch it and allow it to continue to languish until this idea dies, and gambling as well as all the other tumahs that come along with it, stays away from our summer neighborhoods.

  2. who got paid off here????

    (spitzer’s too honest, he’s inhereted real estate millions, but his cronies arent honest — current scandal)

  3. Just what we needed in light of the shenanigans that were going on this past summer in Monticello, Fallsburg, etc., etc. This will only make it worse. And by the way, MiMedinat HaYam, you have not been reading Frederic U. Dicker’s column in the New York Post or else you would know that Spitzer is as much of a liar and philanderer as the people he prosecuted as Attorney General. Nuff Said!

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