Weprin Blames Obama For Stunning Loss

Assemblyman David Weprin is blaming President Obama for his stunning 54–46 percent loss to former television executive Bob Turner on Tuesday, claiming that he would have won the southern Brooklyn district if the Commander in Chief was doing a better job — yet many say the Democrat sunk his own ship with several campaign missteps, as well as his refusal to shave off his 1970s-style mustache.

“[The election] turned into a referendum of the President and I was an unfortunate consequence,” Weprin (D–Queens) said during a Monday-morning quarterbacking session with this paper on Wednesday. “If this election happened when the president’s poll results were better, I could have turned this around.”

Chaim Deutsch, president of the Flatbush Shomrim patrol, said Orthodox Jewish voters were outraged that Weprin — an Orthodox Jew himself — voted for gay marriage earlier this year.

“This race was less about Turner and more about gay marriage,” Deutsch said. “[Weprin] not only voted for gay marriage, but he posed with them and went to the gay pride parade. He went out of his way to show that he supported gay marriage, that’s why Orthodox residents went against him.”


16 Responses

  1. Weprin your the only one to blame for your own loss by betraying your constituency and voting for gay marriage, it had nothing to do with obama or anything else you are your own worse enemy. I hope it was worth it

  2. That’s right. Nothing to do with Obama everything to do with his support of the toeva bill. As Jews we represent Ha-shem torah and ways and in this election we spoke out that we are outraged that such a bill could be passed in a state with the largest Orthodox population and a few Orthodox Jews on its state assembly.

  3. No David, our vote wasn’t so much as a vote for Turner (who is he again?) as a vote against you for saying that you as an orthodox Jew is proud to be pro gay marriage. Believe you me, if Shelly Silver was running in the same district, the Frum Oilam would have sent him packing a long time ago.

  4. To me, that was only part of it, as the deed was already done before this election.

    My vote reflected how I doubted that Weprin would speak up, as Weiner used to, for Israel I perceive(d) him to be totally a “yes” man to the Obama slate. And in many ways, this was a way of voting against Obama.

    The machine should be blamed for selecting him in the first place. There were plenty of better, more dynamic candidates they could have picked.

  5. There was a perception that frum yiiden where willing to activly support what the Torah deems a toava for political / financial gain.

    There was a perception that frum yidden where willing to do this against the call of gedolim who asked that not only shouldnt we suppport toava but should activly opose it.

    Baruch Hashem in Elul the frum community made a kiddush Hashem by clearly demenstrating that this perception is false.

    There will be thise who don’t want to see this. And there will even be those who will try to spin the issue. V’ Ha’Emmt Yireh Darcho.

  6. #5 – I totally agree with you that it is ludicrous to say that Weprin’s mustache had anything to do with his loss. I cannot imagine that it affected even one vote. Let’s not insult the intelligence of New Yorkers!!

  7. B”H, he has made this statement. We can all see what kind of a non-leader he would have been. Already he is out in public blaming others for his own mistakes.

  8. With the Yomim Nora’im approaching, Mr. Weprin would be wise to remember that the FIRST step in the teshuva process is RECOGNIZING that you have done something wrong.
    Don’t blame obama, Mr. Weprin (though he too will face the repercussions for his own actions next November). Your actions on the toaiyva vote are what elected Mr. Turner.

  9. David- what can I say. Nebach on you. blame yourself. And Shimmy Pelman, next time stick to something that your good at! no one needs you or David. maybe you should go with him to the gay parade and take pictures

  10. There were a number of factors. All the one-toot Charlies here notwithstanding.

    MR. OBAMA, READ OUR LIPS: YOU HAVE FAILED THIS NATION. On Obamacare. On trying to move us toward Socialism. On Israel. On jobs. On the economy. You have cheapened our standing in the world by pandering to our enemies. And yes, by putting your feet on the desk in teh oval office. You seem to think you’re still a Community Organizer in Chicago’s slums. Maybe you’ll be able to get that job back after next years election if you don’t hear our voices.

    MR. WEPRIN, READ OUR LIPS: Supporting gay marriage is bad enough, but doing so “as an Orthodox Jew” is an outrage. You have offended every one of us. And that you will support Obama’s reelection, despite the violence he has done to that office, to this coutry, and to our allies and our interests is unconscionable. And you did that all to get tehm to sink in $600,000?! Please!!

  11. I agree that the mustache was a reason for his loss. Look at sadam hussain- look at cousin it. Look at the beatles. The common denominator that led to their fall – was their mustache.now if Obama would of had a mustache – instant failure.

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