Weiner Flees Queens Apartment Amid Dem Panic Over Vote Today

The following is a NY Post article:

Disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner did his fellow Democrats no favors yesterday — moving out of his district just as his panicking party struggled to hold on to his endangered congressional seat.

Wiener took the last remaining items from his Queens co-op just in time to remind voters why they have to vote today — because he resigned in a scandal that made him a national laughingstock.

Weiner is ditching the neighborhood that sent him to Congress six times, and is renting a three-bedroom apartment on a high-rent Greenwich Village street, sources said.

The two men who want Weiner’s job — Democrat David Weprin and Republican Bob Turner — brought out the big guns on the eve of today’s special election.

Turner, a businessman, campaigned with former Mayor Rudy Giuliani at a Forest Hill LIRR station, while the voices of supporters like Ed Koch and Donald Trump were heard in recorded phone calls to voters.

Weprin, a state assemblyman, campaigned with City Council Speaker Christine Quinn at a senior center, while voters got robo-calls on his behalf from former President Bill Clinton and Gov. Cuomo.

Giuliani, noting that Weprin had distanced himself from President Obama, said the Democrat’s “strategy is running away from the current president of his party. That’s a heck of a statement.”


2 Responses

  1. “Weprin, a state assemblyman, campaigned with City Council Speaker Christine Quinn at a senior center,”

    “campaigned with City Council Speaker Christine Quinn” ???

    Quinn is the head Toayvah on the New York City Council!

    Weprin just doesn’t learn that you can’t have it both ways!!

  2. the jews in queens shouldve kicked turncoat tony weiner out when he married that muslim shiksa hummus abedin. and jewliani who has always been a friend to the frum community makes a great point on obama, noting all dems are running as far away from him as they can.

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