Tragic Petira Of Chaim Dovid Herbst A”H – Electrocuted During Hurricane Irene

Spring Valley, NY – YWN regrets to inform you of the tragic Petira of Chaim Reuven Dovid Herbst A”H, the six-year-old child who was seriously injured after being shocked and burned by high-voltage power lines during Hurricane Irene, two weeks ago.

On a flooded street in Spring Valley, David Reichenberg Z”L  saw a father and his 6-year-old child entangled with a live, downed electrical wire from the storm. Both of them were shocked and burned. Police say Reichenberg rushed to save them, pulling them away from the power line, but it cost him his life.

Reichenberg was R”L electrocuted from the wire, killed trying to save someone else’s little boy.

Chaim Dovid was rushed by Hatzolah Paramedics to the hospital, where he was listed in critical condition. The name “Chaim” had been added to his name for Tefillios, and Yidden around the globe were Mispallel on his behalf. Unfortunately, he was Niftar late Friday afternoon.

Further details will be published when they are available to us.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

14 Responses

  1. Out of Irene’s death toll of 44 there are 3 frum jews while we make up some .3 percent of the population.

    נחפשה דרכינו ונחקורה…

  2. So sad. Why did Monsey leaders allow the yeshiva to open that day? Parents would have never allowed their child to be out on a day like that. Two magnificent people would still be alive. I still cry when I hear about it. Tragedy scale 10. Sechel scale 0. Very sad.

  3. At 2am, the power went out when a transformer fell. O&R was called and made repairs though power was not restored. The Herbst family was told that it was safe by O&R since power wasn’t restored. Either a live wire was left hanging or fell from the repair, onto a chain link fence. When the storm subsided, EVERYONE went outside, also being told that the electricity was safe. The child stepped into a puddle and the current went from the fence into it. The mayor of SV stated on News12 that despite neighbors calling O&R, they failed to respond and make proper repairs. She confirmed her statement to me personally. It WASN’T that Reichenberg or Herbst were foolish or negligent with their children.

  4. Around 9:30 to 10am the rain and wind subsided. It was sunny. There was no power or phones. We are a close knit neighborhood, and everyone went outside to check on eachother, see the results of the storm on their property, and get out after being stuck inside. There were no warnings from O&R to stay indoors.

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