Presidential Message: Yom Kippur, 5768

bush new.jpgFor it is a Day of Atonement, on which expiation is made on your behalf before the LORD your God. – Leviticus 23:28. On Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish year, the faithful leave behind their daily concerns and gather together to draw near to God. This day is a time when Jews everywhere reflect on their lives, seek forgiveness, and find solace in God’s merciful nature. The Shofar’s call signals our re-commitment to our Creator and to each other. In the year ahead, may we all be reminded of the Almighty’s steadfast love for His children and achieve the peace we all seek.

Laura and I send our best wishes for a blessed Yom Kippur.


13 Responses

  1. Feif Un:
    I don’t think u r right Yom Kippur is called Shabbos Shabboson for this reason it is definetly greater then Shabbos
    Ah gitten Kvitel

  2. OK, so the speech-writer wasn’t too clear on Shabbos Shabboson – but he got right the part about reflecting on who we are and what we’ve done, seeking forgiveness, and taking comfort in HaShem’s rachamim – if anything, for someone not familiar with YK who reads this and gets a sense of what the day is, it’s not a bad a statement.

    G’mar chasima tovah – may everyone have a good year – and may what you want correspond to what HaShem wants for you –

  3. People, don’t be so medakdek. The man is sincerely wishing us a meaningful Yom Tov, and he understand what Yom Kippur is and means to us.

    “V’al hamedinos bo ye’omer, aizo lacherev v’aizo lesholom.” My this Medinah shel Chessed be benshed with a shenas sholom, as may we be all.

    Gmar Tov to all.

  4. shazam, i know youre intentions were to end the debate but i dont know if yom kippur is a yom tov.. hence not mentioned in amida…

  5. Its so adorable to see all us yidden trying to darshen GWB’s dvar torah.

    I am proud to belong to a shul that makes a Misheberach for the President and VP every shabbos, including yesterday.

  6. Peltz, I wholehartedly agree with you. on the other hand there are those that shun such an idea and consider it ” goyish” to bless the president in a Mi sheberach but are extremly quick to take money from the government when ever they can.

  7. is it just in all of your natures to argue? GWB simply wanted to acknowledge YK and wish us a meaningful one. Enough already! Besides, do you really think that he even has the ability to write something like that? It’s his speechwriters, not him.

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