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Yimach Shemom, Period.

hitler2.gifA source tells Eyewitness News (NYC Channel 7) that Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad plans to visit Ground Zero even though his request was denied by the NYPD. The law enforcement source says the Iranian mission to the United Nations has informed the Secret Service that the Iranian president intends to visit Ground Zero Monday at 10:00AM

The source says regardless of the NYPD’s rejection of the request for a Ground Zero tour, Iran’s president and his entourage will be accompanied by a Secret Service protective detail, a detail provided to all heads of state when they visit the United States.

(Source: 7 Online)

[As per the person who made this image, please feel free to copy this and pass it around.]

43 Responses

  1. The “Iranian” and the “Aryan” are indeed one. The word Iran is a cognate of the word Aryan, and it means “land of the Aryans!” In fact, Aryan is a common male name in Iran!

  2. This morphing is typical, absolutely typical of Zionist paranoia. First, we know that 25-30,000 Jews live peacefully in Iran with no oppression. This is different than in Germany. Second, Hitler had an ongoing war with many countries, which Iran does not. Iran has not attacked any nation. The President has repeatedly made the distinction between Judaism and Zionism, and has met not only with foreign Jews (NOT ONLY NK), but has a close relationship with many Iranian Jews. The comparison is absolutely ridiculous, and reflects very badly on the blog owner as a paranoid hysterical neurotic Zionist.

  3. Dovdov,
    It being Erev Yom Kippur, I will restrain myself from replying as I would truly like to your ridiculous rant. It is replete with erroneous facts and blatantly false statistics.

    Suffice it to say that your comment “reflects very badly on the..” comment writer (Dovdov),”as a paranoid hysterical neurotic..” Jew hater.
    Kudos to YW Editor for having the guts to print such vile comments.

  4. Dovdov, while yes, I agree that ahmad-whatever-it-is is not nearly as bad as hitler, and that confusing the two isn’t a good idea, he’s no friend of Jewish people. If he really was so friendly with the Jewish people he wouldn’t be threatening to kill us. Wiping israel off the map means killing millions of Jews. Nuking Israel means killing millions of Jews. Look at his bosses, the Ayatollahs. When they took power, thousands of Iranian Jews went packing because they feared for their lives.

    I think that worse than comparing this guy to hitler is thinking that he’s harmless. The first is just a little bit of an overstatement. The second is dangerously and ignorantly naive.

    And yes, ימח שמם

  5. I am sorry but Dovdov is right. I am no fan of this guy but there are still Jews living there and Jews here that would love to go back. He also is against Zionisim not Jews in general, which by the way is the same opinion of alot of mainstream rebbe’s.


  7. Jews wanting to go back doesn’t mean he’s good to the Jews. Jews who live there now know many stories of torture and violence, but after all it’s there homeland. Also in Germany many Yidden lived in such a so called ‘peace’ under Hitler for a while.

  8. Ephraim,

    The Satmar Rebbe Reb Yoilish ZATZAL once said;

    A frum Jew who is against the State of Israel is an ehrlicher Yid. But a GOY who is against Israel is a Soineh Yisroel!

    Please dont compare this tyrant’s opinion to that of Rebbes, please!!

  9. Hey, this guy want to kill millions of Jews, whether it is in Israel or anywhere else. Dont be such a lomdon to differentiate him and Hitler. Whats the difference if we malign him? Are you afraid that we will heard his feelings?

  10. We should let him go there, let this rasha YM”S see what devastation his fellow arabs did to our country.

    Better yet, make him go there & let him see that we will build on what they wanted to destroy!

  11. yes, i have a great grandfather a”h that lived there and was close to the shah, and had to leave all of his wealth behind and flee to america after learning that he was on the list to be killed along with the shah and all of his people.
    also,the jews that live there do not have an easy time.but most of them do not want to leave since they are very wealthy and leaving means giving that up.

  12. of course dovdov is right
    the comparison is ridiculous
    hitler had an ongoing war, iran does not.
    iran has not attacked any nation, hitler did.
    therefore there can be no similarity

    the fact that this iran guy expressed a desire and willingness (even an implied promise) to kill 5 million jews has no similarity to hitler who killed 6 million

    what a silly comparison

  13. Please call the President’s comment line at
    202-456-1111 to request that we not allow the president of Iran to visit American soil, other than getting him to and from the United Nations.
    He is the head of a terrorist state with which we do not have diplomatic relations, and such a visit will be offensive to Americans.

  14. Dovdov, I’m also against zionism, for the fact that it has been made to seem more important to am israel than Torah and mitzvot.

    However, I am blessed to live in eretz israel, and if this islamofacist nazi wants to wipe israel off the map, he wants to wipe me and my family off the map!

    It is known, historically, that the europeans of the northern lands originate from the persian region. We also know that amalek was present in persia, Haman is proof. Let us not forget that hitler Y”S also portrayed to the world that we were having a great time in the concentration camps!

    Iran supports hizbullah, financially and militarily.

    They are not planning to develop nuclear arms for self-defense!

  15. ladies and gentleman,
    i think people write silly comments on this website in order to attact attention andsee how many people are paying them attention.

    so lets make a machaa and not to reply to these comments… we want to keep Yeshiva world a nice clean website, not a place where frum yidden can argue nor a place where a person can use it for personal gain (attention) without paying YW.

    anyone agree with me?

  16. I don’t get the comparison. Hitler killled 6 million jews , committed all kinds of unthinkable atrocities and this achmadinajad thus far is only rhetoric. While he wants us dead and hates our guts does not neccessarily equate him with hitler.
    I think there are different levels of rashoim and if we will compare any rosha to hitler, it really undermines the real rishus hitler had.

  17. 18. Ahmadenajad is not an Arab.

    21. So you want to wait until he actually kills Jews (by the way, he already has), before it is muttar to compare him to Hitler, Ym”Sh??

  18. sygy, i agree wholeheartedly, but of course no matter who agrees with you, nothing much is going to change until the moderator mandates such change. a maacha will do little.

    YW editor has already instituted a tremendous amount of improvement in this area, you should have seen the comments 6 months ago.

    meanwhile as long as meanspirited, meis comments are allowed to be posted, i plan to still occasionally respond.

    again you are 100% correct

  19. I saw this on the nfonss blog today:

    I say LET Ahmadinejad go to Ground Zero

    There are, of course, 2 conditions…

    1) He goes alone with no security and no weapons.

    2) The family members of fallen 9-11 rescue workers are on site.

    3) Optional: Put it on Pay Per View with proceeds going to 9-11 victims families.

  20. I hate to sound so “frum” but Lemaisa it is Asur, as someone already mentioned, to look directly at a Rasha (and especially one that changes into an even worse one).
    A Rov once said that if you look at a Rasha in the face all his ideas go into your head…
    Please, YW, be carefull…

  21. sygy-

    Couldn’t agree with u more…sometimes its just so obvious that a guy is posting just to have his penname read by the whole jewish world!!! (I hate to say this, but even I do…)

  22. To Reb Moish #10

    In previous comments, Dovdov himself has also indicated denial of the scope of the holocaust, so I think you are asking the question to the wrong individual.

    If my memory serves me correctly, Dovdov questioned the gas chambers, and asserted that some photos taken of deportations were “fixed up” and did not represent reality.

  23. Everyone keep on pontificating till u turn blue in the face. World opinion is ZIONISM = JUDAISM.
    Really does not matter what this rebbe or that rebbe said or thought, Iran PM’s words are translated into “DEATH TO JEWS”. If that concerns you, shout out loud to keep him out of NY and from Twin Towers area. Guliani physically ejected, Adolf Arafat from NY, we can expect the same from our political leaders.

  24. Every single Jew is connected to every other Jew in Klal Yisrael. If this wacko destroys Israel, don’t think the Jews in the rest of the world are safe! You call yourself a frum Jew, how can turn away when someone has just threatened 6 million of your brother’s LIVES and treat this guy as if he isn’t so bad!

  25. this soneh yisroel should be escorted out of this country as soon as possible . his prescence here is a disgrace to our nation and people .his politics is to make a farce out of the west ,and he is accomplising that very well. the sonem we have here in ny will ‘qvell’with hiw being here. his visit to the twin towers should not be allowed by anyone . he hates us and all he wishes to do is make fun of our lives and america.

  26. dovdov.. please think before you wright such stupid things …….by the way I think he comeing to n.y. for the second time is to see where the best place to attack the americans …

  27. Feivel,(21);

    ‘Ofcourse Dov Dov is right…….

    Feivel, (32)

    ‘sygy, I agree with you wholeheartedly……..

    Do us all a favor and stop ‘dancing at 2 simchas’. Decide which point you want to make!

    I agree that the comparison between the Iranian President and Hitler is a gross exaggaration but nevertheless, he is still evil. Giving Dovodv the ‘spôtlight’ here is a crying SHAME!

    Gemar Chasima Tovah!

  28. Whatever we might think about this person, the undeniable fact is that he is a stick in Hashem’s hand and that we should be paying more attention to the One Who is waving the stick and what He might be trying to get across to us by waving this particular stick at us. My suggestion is that the first message is that He wants us to daven to Him and daven hard. For what? Sticks have power against us only when we’re not doing what Hashem wants us to, so let’s daven that Hashem open our eyes to understand exactly what we need to do to protect ourselves from those sticks. My suspicion is that He wants a lot more effort put into kiruv rechokim. Also, since the stick claims to be directed not against Torah Judaism but rather against Zionism (which all the gedolim hold is a usurpation incompatible with Torah Judaism) that we should be putting effort into educating our brothers about that, with love.

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