Current Wind Speed (MPH)
Central Park – E 21 Gust 29
LGA –E 52 Gust 67
JFK – E 29 Gust 43
Hourly rainfall as of 0400 hours (inches)
Central Park – 0.30
JFK – 0.39
Cumulative Storm Rainfall Total (Inches – As of 0400 hours):
Central Park – 6.2
LGA – 6.0
JFK – 5.0
Trees Reports by Borough: (New Data currently unavailable)
Citywide: 176
Bronx: 7
Brooklyn: 53
Manhattan: 5
Queens: 80
Staten Island: 31
Electrical Customer Outages by Borough
Citywide- 51,363
Bronx- 4535
Brooklyn- 6245
Manhattan- 0
Queens- 25433
Con Ed- 24975
LIPA- 458
Staten Island- 16551
EMS Incidents (Today as of Midnight): 698
EMS Incidents (Yesterday): 4151
(YWN Desk – NYC)