Noach Dear Wins Primary Election

noach dear.jpgNoach Dear, the former NYC Councilman, has reportedly won the primary election for Civil Court Judge. He was running against Karen Yellen, a former judge, in the 5th District, which includes Bath Beach, Bay Ridge, Bensonhurst, Boro Park, Dyker Heights, Kensington, Sunset Park and Windsor Terrace.

33 Responses

  1. It is better for a person not to be in the public eye because it causes eiyin Horah. People tend to criticize and blame anyone running for public office. So whether or not Noach Dear is a qualified candidate for judge or not is not the question, whether or not a frum Jew should run for public office is.

  2. While there are lists of deserving candidates in the frum community, who have been approved by all Judicial Screening panels and Bar Associations, eagerly waiting for Hikind’s support, Hikind chose Dear?

    How and more importantly WHY did Hikind want this as one of his accomplishments?

  3. WHAT’S A WASTE??? A Yid helping others? A yid making a parnassa? That a yid was menatzeach? You can’t fargin?!? This man has been oisek betzorchei tzibur and helped out the klal countless times in many different positions he held and spanning many years.He should be zoche to continue for many years to come!

  4. NACH-“You can’t fargin?!?

    NACH, YOU GOT IT ALL WRONG! WE CAN FARGIN, WE JUST DON’T F-A-R-S-H-T-E-I! Don’t things have to make sense to Jews and Non-Jews? You can’t just back a candidate with questionable background and experience when you have many others that have unquestionable background, experience and approval, without people questioning.

  5. I don’t understand some of these bloggers, I have seen Noach in action, he is an extremely fine and caring person. He will in my opinion be a great judge.

  6. as a former neighbor of mine, i congratulate him on his win, though i dont care about it too much. however, like cherryhillbilly says, what are his qualifications? he declined to present his qualifications to the state judges committee in charge of recommendations, etc.

    nevertheless, its a complete emmbarassment to the jewish community that a few years ago, he lost a congressional election by a few hundered votes! a shomer shabbas congressman means something. a judge means little. i’m not talking in terms of honor or prestige, i’m talking about getting things done. assuming he gets things done. his record was getting a few things done for the “establishment” and little or nothing for us regular yidden.

  7. What is the heter for a Yid to sit as a Judge in judgement of other Yidden based on civil law — and not halachic law?

    (And doubtlessly Yiddishe litigants will appear before any NYC Judge.)

  8. ??????reb yid,I don’t understand HOW seeing Noach in action, and opining that he is an extremely fine and caring person is establishing the fact that he is qualified for the job. The Screening Panels and Bar Associations obviously felt otherwise (or he would not have hidden the results). They have given rave reviews to MANY other Frum candidates!

  9. Reb Yid,
    There are a lot of “extremely fine and caring” ameratzim around, but would you make them a dayan on a beis din???

  10. Yidel, there must be a Heter to be a Judge, bec. I personally have knowledge of Gedolim who have given their blessings to candidacies in the past.

  11. In response to mikedrezz #16, if he bought himself a Civil Court Judgeship, he can buy a Supreme Court Judgeship as well, and then you’ll say, well, it’s not as if he’s Pres.? He he.

  12. I stopped reading the comments on this thread after just a few. RE-READ what you wrote. I AM IMBARRASSED TO SAY I AM JEWISH RIGHT NOW!! You sound like a bunch of hate-mongers! Is this how you treat a fellow jew – a yarei shomayim at that?! Whatsmore, we currently find ourselves in a terrible matzav – with our oyvim, machlos – lo aleinu, kids at risk… you read the articles of all the tzaros, and when something nice pops up for a change you all pounce on it and try to turn it into something terrible! We currently find ourselves in Aseres Yimei Teshuva!!!! as every 3 year old child knows if you want to be judged favorably YOU should judge others favorably!!! This is Mamish a Moiradike Zach, I cant believe what I just read! When I klap al cheit this Yom Kippur Im going to klap extra hard because I read this senseless Loshon Hora.

    Im going to attempt to give the benefit of the doubt – that will keep me busy the whole night since im going to have to come up with something way out there, because nothing that makes any sense can explain this.

    My hands are shaking I am so mad!

    I truly think whoever wrote anything deragatory must ask mechila from R’ Noach.

    Gmar Chasima Tova.

  13. He isn’t half as bad as the Judges busted for corruption and imprisoned. How many more were never caught? Dear is a good man. Stop the loshon hora.

    I still would like to know of a heter for a Yid to sit in judgement as a secular Judge under secular law. Especially when one or both of the litigants are Yidden.

  14. What is troublesome is that Hikind doesn’t get that many opportunities to support Judicial Candidates. Why he chose to support a candidate with questionable experience and ratings, when he had many others to choose from with impeccable resumes, is worth studying!

    Nisht Kusher!

  15. Yavnerd ,if the K’lal doesn’t see to it that elected officials from our midst, stay honest, decent, sensible, and accountable then who will?

    If not, CH”V we’d have some Chillul Hashem!

    My hands are shaking, I am so mad!

  16. Yavnerd,
    Please stop your senseless handringing. And please try to control your anger, after all it is just 2 days until Yom Kippur.
    No one is saying any loson hora about Noach, we’re simply asking for his credentials. Being appointed judge is very different than any other political appointment. All other political positions are about helping constituencies, and indeed if noach or anyone else is an askan on behalf of the klal then by all means we’re behind him; however, a judgeship is about legal knowledge, trying cases etc and if he has no credentials its a sham.
    Think it over and calm down.

  17. On the Zev Brener show-Dear just responded to why he didn’t go to the Bar Associations/Screening Panels for rating-“The deck was stacked against me”.

    Why was the deck stacked against HIM and not all other frum candidates?

    He said …. people have things against religious candidates- yada yada yada.

  18. Yavnerd, why is it so hard to understand that when something that doesn’t smell right is done in public, by a public persona we generally hold in high esteem, people will question the validity of it, and not take it like sleepwalkers?

    A year of Good Sense to all.




    Most Judges serve as clerks to a Judge, or at least have practiced law (OF SOME KIND) in a courtroom to gain experience.

    Dear did neither.

  21. Yavnerd,

    Chazak. Don’t be cowed by the individuals who have difficulty with your sincere admonishment.

    You are correct, and these messages don’t stand up to the laws as dilineated by the Chofetz Chaim. The posters’ natural urge to vindicate themselves should not cloud the issue for those posters who are careful with these crucial halachos.

  22. “Most Judges serve as clerks to a Judge, or at least have practiced law (OF SOME KIND) in a courtroom to gain experience.”

    Tmimus, being that I work in the world of law I know that to be a false statement.

    A. People don’t become clerks to judges to become a judge, actually it is easier to become a judge after years of being a lawyer than being a clerk.

    B. Many Real Estate Lawyers with ABESOLUTELY ZERO courtroom experience become judges, I know some off hand.

  23. Pure loshon hora.

    Aside from the fact that Dear is a good man.

    But how can a Yid Judge another Yid based upon secular law? What if the litigation belongs in Beis Din, but one of the litigants dragged it into secular court keneged halacha? Will Dear dismiss the case? He can’t based on secular law. What if one party deserves to be ruled in favor of al pi din, but secular law favors the other party? Will Dear rule al pi din? He can’t based on the secular law that he is sworn to.

  24. #1- Is it in our interest to accept everything frum politicians do, even if it is in great contradiction to good sense, to us and outsiders?

    #2- The bulk of Brooklyn’s frum Judges began their careers as law clerks. They were all named by Dear as his “role models”.

  25. Sane, as far as backroom dealing, I wasn’t born yesterday :), but as far as merit, there’s a limit :(! This is flagrant ineptitude at its best.

    It’s got to make sense. Never mind us, Mah Yomru Ha’…..?

    A Gut Gebentscht Yahr.

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