UPDATED 9:48PM EST: Rav Chaim Weintraub ZATZAL

candle10.gif(Click HERE for photos) We regret to inform you of the tragic Petira of Rav Chaim Weintraub ZATZAL – a former Magid Shiur in Stolin Yeshiva, and the father of Rav Ahron Weintraub Shlita (Magid Shiur in Philly Yeshiva). He was tragically killed in a fire at his home on Tuesday afternoon. The Levaya will take place on Wednesday at 10:00AM outside Lakewood Minyan in Boro Park.

Boruch Dayan Emmes……

38 Responses

  1. Please note he has another son Zev who is a 11th grade Rebbi in Mesivta Keser Torah (Belmar) and his som in law is R’ Korbman from BMCJ (Adelphia).

    Please note there may be more I just dont know them.

  2. R”L. There are two other sons in Lakewood besides R’ Zev. One is Dovid Noach and the other is Yitzy who is a rosh chabura in BMG. Also R’ Ahron Shlit”a is the brother in law of R’ Yanky Meyer the noted askan from Misaskim.

  3. I also think that Reb Chaim ZT”L had something to do with yebudal lechaim tovim Reb Murray Massilton Shlit’a and his Sefardisher Yeshiva.

  4. R’ Aharon, R’ Zev, R’ Dovid Noach, R’ Yitzchok, R’ Avrumy, and 2 Son-in-Laws R’ Korbman, R’ weinberg and A very chosuva Rebbitzin Kaila Weintraub. Reb Chaim Was a Talmid Muvhak To Maran Reb Aharon Kotler zt”l for many years
    Y’hay Zichro Boruch

  5. Its disgusting to put it as a news story with pictures and all. Here was a mojor talmid chochom niftar, and the pictures are up before we know when the levaya will be.

    Maybe a little respect and privacy.

  6. What a Tzadik! What a nice and caring “Rebbi”, the famous gibor from the Eastside. We all loved him.
    He once told me a story about a fire.
    The main building in camp yeshiva was on fire in the wee hours of the morning. There was a bachur who ran up and down all the floors, woke up everyone and chased them out. When the building was caving in, there was one mother and her baby trapped in with no way out. The only option remaining was to jump out of the two and a half story window. But the bottom part of the window was jammed. When she finally managed to open the top window the above mentioned bachur called out to her and encouraged her to throw her baby and he’ll catch him. Initially she refused, but when the fire reached her she threw her baby out the window and the bachur caught him. She followed suit and was also caught. Althogh the impact of the fall was strong. miraculously she only broke her foot .
    When I asked him who the bachur was? He said, ah! some narisher guy. When I told my father the story he confirmed it saying that he was there, and the bachur, the hero of this episode was none other than Rabbi Weintraub Zatzal.

    May he be a meilitz yosher for all his descendants and all of his talmidim.
    Rebbi! We’ll always love and miss you!

  7. I live out of town and I know the Weintraub’s. YW’s post is the only way I knew of the tragedy. It was done in a very tasteful and respectful way. May YW have only good news to report. Gmar Chasima Tova.

  8. I heard from one of the children that the levaya will be tomorrow morning at 10:00 am at the Lakewood Minyan in Boro Park 16th Ave and 52nd Street. Only Simchos.

    I learned by R’ Chaim W. Zatzal many years ago in Stolin. An amazing mechanech with a heart of gold. Chosheve chosheve children, Let them not know of such Tzaros anymore. Of Simchos.

  9. Is the Levaya comming to Erezt Yisroel? If so, do you know who will be bring him up? Could you please post too a phone number where the family will be sitting Shiva?

  10. Magid Shiur Mesivta of Skokie

    Correct name is Fasman Yeshiva High School of Hebrew Theological College in Skokie, IL (suburb of Chicago).

  11. He was a tremendous man, fluent in niglah , and Nistar he had a profound impact on my in-laws entire family in many special ways. Yehi zechro buruch
    for those of you who think america is comprised of NY and NY, HTC/Skokie is one the oldest Yeshivas in Chicago Rav Kreisweth (later of Antwerp)was rosh yeshivah there many years ago, among other notables that learned there are R’Nosson Zvi Finkel shlita (mir),R’Berel Wein shlita (sharrei Torah Monsey; history books), Rabbi Rotman Shlita (merkaz HaTorah Yerushalayim)
    B’surous Tovos

  12. Reb Chaim z’tsal was a dugma of the old time Lakewooders, the original talmidim of R.Aaron z”l. Selfless,dedicated, true talmiday chochomim, that their only priority in life was Torah and Chesed. How many talmidim did R.Chaim z”l develop to appreciate real lomdus and a love of Torah? How many bochrim sought his eitsos over the years? How many couples went to him for Shalom Bayis? Because he was a “borayach min hacovod” he may not have been so famous in the outside world but in the olam hatorah he was one of its shining stars.A true Talmid Chochom, his kanuos leshem shamayim was legendary. It is no wonder that he has such a choshova mishpocha. Tenuchamu min hashamayim.

  13. Reb Chaim Ztz”l was my Rebbe in 11th grade at the Mesivta of Long Beach in 1969. It was his first Rebbe position and he actually commuted from Lakewood. He left the Yeshiva and went to Stolin because he felt Long Beach was not a place to be mechanech his children. (He obviously did a great job with their Chinuch,as evidenced by his Chusheva children and SIL). All the Bochrim in the Shiur loved him and he turned many of us on to learning. He also infused us with alot of Hashkafa, Ahavas Hatorah, love of learning, Kavod Hatorah Velomdeha,and Yiras Shamayim. Many of us kept up with him for many years. A real Mechanach. A great loss to Klal Yisrael. May his family have Nechama and know no more Tzar.


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