Irene: Boro Park Shomrim Info [Friday 6:48PM EST]

As you are now aware, the NYC area is in the likely path of hurricane Irene.  While it is too early to tell the severity and path, NYC is taking precautions. The Boro Park Shomrim is in close contact with NYC Office of Emergency Management and the NYPD, and will assist in preparation efforts.  Please be aware of the following:

–         Our emergency hotline at 718-871-6666 will be answered 24/7 – including shabbos, and is to be used for emergencies only.
–         In the event of a power outage or major disaster, we will have 2 command centers open:
o       Our headquarters at 3618 14th Ave
o       1310 52nd Street, 3rd floor
–         In case of an emergency, Shomrim will be broadcasting to the Boro Park area on 107.1 FM on your radio.  You may tune your radio to that frequency for Shabbos.
–         If necessary, our members will be patrolling with visible Shomrim insignia.  Feel free to approach them should there be a need.
–         In case of an evacuation, please do not panic and do so in an orderly fashion.  Please follow all instructions from governing authorities.
–         Please remember to check on the elderly and those living alone who may need your assistance.
–         General preparedness tips
o       Secure all belongings that are outside your home, so that they don’t become airborne and cause damage.
o       In case of flooding, it is not safe to drive.  If your home is flooded, there is serious risk of electrical shock, and it is best to leave your home.
o       Downed trees may have downed wires, which are at great risk for electric shock.  Avoid all downed trees and wires.
o       Prepare a battery operated radio, flashlights, and some basic food items.
o       If you take medications, please make sure you have a sufficient supply.
o       If you know of someone on life saving machinery, please make sure they are ok.
o       It is best to avoid using elevators during the storm, as you may become stuck inside for an extended time.
–         We are in close contact with R’ Yechezkiel Roth and R’ Yitzchok Stein in case shabbos questions should arise.
–         We are in close contact with Hatzolah, Chaveirim and Misaskim and are coordinating our efforts.
Please remember that life is more important than tangible property, and no life is worth risking for property of any value.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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