Irene: Message From Rabbi Feiner – The White Shul [Friday 6:02PM EST]

Shalom U’vracha and A Gutten Erev Shabbos:

I am writing this e-mail now shortly after 5:15pm on Erev Shabbos Kodesh, parshas Re’eh. The vast majority of you are certainly aware of what has transpired in recent hours regarding the declaration of a mandatory evacuation for Far Rockaway. Many of you very likely left the community by now to relatives or friends for Shabbos. For those who did not, you should not begin to drive out of town at this late hour as traffic conditions can likely engender chillul Shabbos. With the latest reports still claiming that the hurricane will most likely not begin until late Motzai Shabbos/early Sunday morning, you should therefore do your utmost to avoid any chillul Shabbos Kodesh. Once again, the White Shul will remain open all throughout Shabbos, stocked with food and water and serving as a quasi-shelter for those who might feel unsafe remaining at home. After Shabbos, you should do your utmost to reassess the situation and act accordingly.

Once again, May HaKB”H protect us all and may we share only besuros tovos while having a Gut Shabbos, bi’ruchniyus u’vi’gashmiyus.

Kol Tuv always,
R’ Eytan Feiner

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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