Irene: Message From Rabbi Feiner – The White Shul [Friday 2:25PM EST]

Lichvod all our wonderful mispallelim, members, and friends:
Shalom vi’rav bracha. I hope everyone has enjoyed a relaxing, enjoyable, and productive summer, and I am looking very forward to greeting all of you again soon.
I have been busy for the last 24 hours in constant touch with Rabbonim and local authorities regarding the current situation and the latest updates.  
After much thought, deliberation, and consultation, I advise as follows:
1) Anyone living in proximity to the coastline should do his utmost to leave before Shabbos to spend Shabbos with relatives or friends elsewhere.

2) Anyone with family members with medical needs and elderly individuals, who would find it difficult to evacuate if necessary, should also try to leave before Shabbos.

3) Regarding all others:

A) It is certainly recommended to spend Shabbos with relatives or friends living in locations farther removed from water and the hurricane center.

B) For all those opting to stay put, everyone should leave on a radio in a separate room for emergency notifications and possible evacuation orders. With a real likelihood of electricity outages, it should be battery operated.

C) If strong winds, heavy rains, etc. begin already on Shabbos, please use extreme caution and stay at home if necessary, especially if one notices that trees and poles are being knocked down. In addition, once the strong winds/rains arrive, you should NOT rely on the local eruv. The Shul will remain open throughout the entire Shabbos.

D) If, chas vi’chalila, a mandatory evacuation order is issued: As of this writing, there is not yet any official plan of arranging buses for transport. Hence, if the order is issued and there is even a “safek pikuach nefesh,” one may get into his car and drive to a safer place. Make all necessary preparations before Shabbos to minimize any chilul Shabbos.

4) EVERYONE should do his utmost hishtadlus to prepare adequately for the upcoming storm before Shabbos and adhere to the published guidelines for hurricane preparation and all cautionary measures.
We should all continue to daven wholeheartedly to the Ribbono Shel Olam that the hurricane passes quickly and without any harm, Bi’ezras Hashem.
May we see abundant Siyata Dishmaya in the days ahead and know only Kol Tuv.
With very best wishes for a safe and meaningful Shabbos Kodesh,

Eytan Feiner

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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