UPDATED: Tens Of Thousands Of Tenokos Shel Bais Rabon To Daven Today

tehillim2.jpgUPDATED: On Tuesday afternoon at 1:00PM, tens of thousands of children worldwide, will simultaneously say Tehillim for the many needy Cholim. Close to 40 Yeshivos will gather in the Bobov Yeshiva on 48th Street in Boro Park, but will include more than 120 additional locations across the globe.

This amazing event – headed by the Misaskim Organization (Center For The Community Resources) – started with just a few Yeshivos gathering to say Tehillim; but has grown into a huge event.

Yeshivaworld spoke with the noted Askan R’ Yanky Meyer of Misaskim who told Yeshivaworld that he never imagined it growing into such a tremendous event. “The coordination needed with satellite hook-ups from around the globe is a tremendous undertaking, but worth every second of work.”

“The Koach of Tehillim being said by tens of thousands of Tenokos Shel Bais Rabon in immeasurable”, he told Yeshivaworld.

Misaskim also requested that people across the world take a few minutes out of their busy schedules on Tuesday between 1:00PM & 2:00PM EST to say Tehillim (Kapitlach 13, 20, 79, 121, 130, 142), or minchah with avinu malkeinu.

NOTE: There will only be children allowed into the Bobov Bais Medrash. Misaskim has urged anyone who wants to participate to say Tehillim wherever they are.

May we all be inscribed in the book of life this year!

17 Responses

  1. it might be a good idea if someone could organize jews from all over the world to say tehillim at the same time keeping in mind the time differences i think that would have a tremendous impact

  2. i dont recall the maaseh exactly, but there was a time, early in the history of the medinah, when the arabs were on their way with knives to overrun a certain area and kill all the Yiddin. one of the Gedolim called all the children together to the Bais Kneses, told them what the arabs were planning and asked them to daven to their Father in Shmayim.
    they all cried and davened their hearts out. when they were finished, he said that now we have nothing to fear.
    indeed they were all saved.

  3. feivel please see my comment above could youu imagine the impact of yidden all over the globe adults and children at the same time being mispallel it would probably ward off all evil till moshiach came if done regularly and with kavanah plus it would probably increase ahavas yisroel and achdus

  4. others dream yanky mayer turns it into reality….he does so so much for the klal..may hakodosh boruchu grant him loads of nachas from his family with gezunt and parnassa

  5. Maybe we can include all those going through mental anquish which is causing physical distress like exresidents of Gush, kidnapped soldiers, and etc.

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