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United Kingdom: Charedi Guide To Addiction

just say no.jpgA ground-breaking guide has been published in the UK to help combat drug, and other addictions among strictly Orthodox Jews. Believed to be the first of its kind anywhere in the world, the 130-page book, “Understanding Addictions” is trilingual, written in English, Yiddish and Hebrew.

Ranging from eating disorders, gambling and “shopaholism”, to gambling, it has been produced by Talking Matters (TMA), a National Health-funded counselling agency set up in 2001 to promote stress prevention among the Charedi community.

Its purpose is to equip rabbis, teachers, parents and youth and community workers with the knowledge to identify problems and provide help in a “constructive and non-judgmental way”. Its contents include an illustrated guide to illicit drugs as well as an extensive list of Orthodox counsellors.

In the introduction, TMA’s founder and national director, José Martin, says that in the past people with such problems would be “shipped out” to other towns. “We pray that no child comes to harm in his life, but if s/he stumbles, it is our duty to help them up, not push them further into the quagmire.”

The publication is endorsed by a highly-respected strictly Orthodox rabbi, Dr Abraham Twersky, a psychiatrist with expertise in substance abuse and author of numerous religious books.

(Source: The Jewish Chronicle)

11 Responses

  1. I am happy that something like this exists. For a long time people kept convincing them selves that there was no problem. My hope is that more people wake up and deal with the problems that are out there than to sweep then “under the rug”. The yetzer horah does not need a passport to come in to Lakewood, Yerushulayim etc.

  2. sharpestnail, excessive asher yatzer washing – if truly a problem – is more likely related to obsessive-compulsive disorder than addictions. if this is a problem for someone, they might consider getting in touch with someone who specializes in treating OCD.

  3. excessive asher yatzer washing is not an addiction, it is a compulsion. Compulsions are due to chemical imbalances in the brain, a physical problem. Many can be helped with counseling, but if severe this problem requires medication to treat.

  4. I am glad that there are attempts being made to ease the hardships facing our community, BUT perhaps we would have less crises to deal with if we would learn to have Midos and be less pro-conformity and uniformity in our schools and Batei Midrashim and JUST SAY YES!!!!!!!!!!, as long as our our acceptance of others and our saying yes poses less harm to ourselves than benefit to others. It all has to be weighed.

    We need to strive for less ostracizing and more acceptance of others and we will all be the richer for it.

  5. I haven’t yet seen this guide but it is useful to know that there are two jewish residential treatment centers for addictions. One is in Eretz Yisroel and is called Retorno. There are two theraputic communities; youth up to age 18 and adults above 18.
    and Yatzkan FEGS in Brooklyn, NY which provides residential treatment for youth, i believe up to age 18 or 19. I do not have their website address.
    Both places are excellent and offer people the chance to rebuild their lives in the context of yiddishkeit and warmth. Ongoing recovry support services are also provided as well as out-patient treatment.

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