Limited Number of Oorah’s ‘Designer Sukkahs’ Still Available

yw-article.jpgA limited supply of Designer Sukkahs by Oorah is still available to those who want to bring a beautiful new dimension to this already beautiful Yom Tov. Not only do buyers get the opportunity to erect a sukkah designed with unique creative flair, but they also ensure that other Jewish families receive their own sukkahs as well. Proceeds from the Designer Sukkahs, available exclusively through Oorah, are helping the kiruv organization fund the sukkahs it provides to its families.

Designer Sukkah’s Mehadrin structure satisfies all the halachic requirements of sukkah, while adding a brand new design dimension. There are three sukkah kit models to choose from: “Classic,” which features a formal, elegant cream-on-beige design; Kotel, which evokes the beloved holy site of the Beis Hamikdash; and Rich Emrboidery, a patchwork of Judaic motifs in rich earth and jewel tones. All of the interiors feature a subtle print of the exterior design, offset by interior window flaps and all-around valances in full color.

Not only is the Designer Sukkah unique and kosher, but it is also constructed for simple assembly and disassembly – no tools required. The lightweight, compact components can be stored anywhere.

Oorah has been supplying and assembling sukkahhs for its kiruv families for decades. Designer Sukkahs create a new way to fund this growing, high-impact program, and they bring the Jewish community an exciting new way to add a little extra simcha to  z’man simchaseinu.

oorah small.gifTo order, please visit the Designer Sukkahs website or call 1-877-2-SUKKAH.

4 Responses

  1. i just got the dessigner succah with rich embroidery its beutiful and cant wait to sit in it for hiddur mitzva and my friend got a large kosel sukkah because he saw it in front of bobov and landaus in brooklyn not only are they beutiful i feel i will help another family enjoy the mitzva of sukkah and when i sit in it i will feal with alot of kiddusha by helping another yid come to yiddushkeit

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